Grand Canyon Suggestions?

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
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My wife and I are considering a short hiking visit to the GC next year. I've been there a couple times, and I know the layout, the rules, the temperature difference between top and bottom, all about hydration, etc. But I'm hoping for some input on a few specific questions:

We'd love to do a 3 day hike: day one down the North side, day 2 poke around in the bottom, day 3 up the South side, with the two nights booked at Phantom Ranch.

(This is purely a hiking trip; no interest in rafting.)

Any potential problems with that plan? Anyone done exactly that?

We are thinking late spring / early summer. Does anyone know the approximate range of dates at which the snow melts and the roads open on the North side?

What kind of transportation is available to get around to the North side to start?

(I've been to the park service sites; not helpful.)

Thanks in advance!

You could hike over to Clear Creek for the second day. (There is a trail from the Phantom Ranch area.)

From a weather standpoint, I'd aim for April or early May. Too hot later.

Not sure when the N Rim opens--call the rangers to ask. (IIRC, the opening is determined by bureaucratic issues rather than road conditions. (The road is paved.) I've been there on May 18.

Check the websites on rim-to-rim hiking--they may have info on road transport and opening dates:"grand+canyon"+rim&aqi=g10

If you can't work out the transport, you can always make a loop to Phantom Ranch from the S Rim using the S Kaibab and S Bright Angel Trails.

North Rim usually opens around 5/15 but that date is dependent on how much snow there is during winter. You will need to check with the rangers to find out where water is turned on.
There are shuttle services available for the looonnngg ride around from one rim to the other. A search on google should bring up some options.
Also, book early for Phantom Ranch. Like today.
If you can get to Clear Creek, I would go for it. Be aware, however, that the distance is somewhat unclear (no pun intended). I put it on my itinerary when I went to the GC several years ago, thinking it was only 7 miles (no water sources, though, between Phantom Ranch and Clear Creek). When we arrived at the GC, Rangers had VERY differing opinions about the distance, and one of them said that it was more like 12 miles!!! One in our group was unsure he could do that kind of distance (he was quite whipped from the hike the day before (South Rim to Bright Angel Campground via S. Kaibab Tr). We couldn't stay another night at Bright Angel since it wasn't on our itinerary, so we had to at least head toward Clear Creek. Once past Sumner Wash (about 3 miles) it was "at large" camping. We found an incredible spot on the Tonto Platform - NO ONE around!!!!! I can't wait to get back to the GC, 'cause I want to get all the way to Clear Creek. The trail (as far as we went) was relatively easy and the views just blew me away!

When I submitted my itinerary I had several options on my list - I wanted to hike into the Canyon from the North Rim - even though our trip was scheduled for mid-May - I did not get the reservation I needed - North Rim was still closed on May 15th that year.

Whatever you end up doing - have fun!
spent 4 days down-in with a poorly arranged/last minute campsite reservation- basically rim to rim to midway in July many years ago:(. My tip is to hike at night, it's cooler figuratively and literally, especially if you have a full moon, it felt extraterrestrial.
North Rim usually opens around 5/15 but that date is dependent on how much snow there is during winter. You will need to check with the rangers to find out where water is turned on.
There are shuttle services available for the looonnngg ride around from one rim to the other. A search on google should bring up some options.
Several years ago we went to GC in early May and N Rim wasn't open even though there was no snow because they didn't hire the seasonal staff until 5/15

There were both van and air shuttles across the canyon then, note that ground shuttle is several hours
Several years ago we went to GC in early May and N Rim wasn't open even though there was no snow because they didn't hire the seasonal staff until 5/15

There were both van and air shuttles across the canyon then, note that ground shuttle is several hours

True. What I meant was that it could be later in years of heavy snow.