Moriah - An 'Easy' end to winter? NOT!

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As others have already mentioned, my suggestion for an easy end to winter hike was anything but!

Karen and I send our warmest thanks to Bob & Geri, Peakbagger, Terri and Michael (sapblatt) for showing up to break trail for us as requested ;)

We would have been there on time if I had not had to turn around after about ten miles to go home and fetch my wallet! However, the end result would have been the same. Everyone else would have pushed on in front and Karen and I would have made our relaxed progress in the rear.

The only frustrating thing about the day was the postholing caused by two younger guys who had left their shoes in their vehicle and chided a thiRd member of their group for having carried his. He made the summit, they did not. I am still amazed at how far they went before turning around. The depth and number of post holes was staggering.

As anyone who was outside anywhere yesterday will attest it was the most magnificent day to be in the mountains. Crisp, clear air and endless blue skies. Just amazing.

We discovered that we did indeed barely make it to Mt Surprise on our previous jaunt and also just how tough a trail this is. It should not be underestimated.

We got to one of the false summits at about 3,400ft (according to Mr Brunton) and I insisted we turn back there rather than press on as I knew we would never summit before our turn around time. No point in spoiling what had been a fantastic day out by being over zealous in trying to reach the summit.

A great day out. HUGE thanks to the gang for trailbreaking.

My pics and a whole bunch of waffle can be found starting HERE

Hiker Bob,
Great to meet you and Karen Sat. Even though I will never trust the word 'easy' when it comes from you again!

Loved the photos. Thought I'd publically print the challenge to identify your 'mystery' mountain from your photos 20-21-37-38 as I am very curious to find out what it is. Hopefully someone will recognize it.

Mystery mountain #1

Percy Peaks - North Percy is the white one. Go there, they are great!!

(mystery tracks are rabbit)
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Looks like Percy Peaks is the winner (I didn't have a clue) I plotted a bearing using Topo! and that seems to confirm it with relation to the bend in the river visible in the wide angle shot. Good going folks!

Looks like a very interesting summit. Once the 4k madness has subsided I really must broaden my horizons :)

Carole - yup, the other thread has many a vote for snowshoe hare.

Now - mystery mountain 2 ?

Mystery 2 - is that Old Speck in the center? Baldpate white-capped off to the right? It fits if the white cliffs seen in the left of the picture are what is shown on maps as "The Outlook" from the Success Trail, seen here.

HikerBob - it only took me 7 days to switch from 48 fever to 67 fever. You still have plenty to climb. :D
Thanks !!

Hey everyone -

A big thanks to Bob and Geri and Mike and Jim, and of course, Mr. Peakbagger himself for a great day, hike, and introduction to the VFTT crew.

As an intermediate hiker, the Moriah trip was truely fantastic. And for those who went... next time I'll try to run into more people sliding than just Jim. :p

Great pixs. Hope to meet more folks from the group as the year goes on.

thanks again, Terry
Nice TR. Mystery #2 is Old Speck's summit ridge at center, with the Baldpates to the right.
Hi Folks. Just wanted to take a minute to thank Bob and Geri, Peak bagger, Sapblatt and Terry for their company and allowing me to tag along with them on the way up to the summit. It was a magnificent day in the Whites. The views were incredible and breathtaking. This was my 3rd winter hike and my 43 peak in total. I had never used snowshoes before but I can honestly say I have some experience with them now. Thanks for the patience. Terry made it fun with her sliding antics. We were laughing pretty hard for a while. Hiker Bob’s along with Bob and Geri’s photos were great. (as usual)

My two post holing (I am leaving my snowshoes in the truck) companions finally wore themselves out and decided to return to the truck. They may not be to smart with the trailhead decisions they make (i.e. leaving their snowshoes behind) but at least they were loyal. They were at the parking lot when I got down. True hiking friends. Needless to say I have some ammunition for the next few years to torture them with. Bob and Geri had also volunteered to get me home if my ride had deserted me. You meet the best people in the woods especially the ones who have the same love and passion for the outdoors as you do. Thanks again
Welcome aboard

Hello BigJim -

It was nice to meet you out there. I am also new to the VFTT scene and it is a great place! This was also my first snowshoe hike but you sure seemed a lot more capable on themthan I did!