Overlook Halloween Hike


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New member
Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
The participants of this hike included a little girl in pajamas, a martial arts master, a 70's-era pimp/gangster, and some guy who got lost on the way to a Hudson River kayak trip. Also two very exuberant canines. The crew assembled on Meads Mt. Road a little after dusk and marched up in the balmy night air. Snow began to appear after a while, but nothing significant.

The hotel ruin was passed w/o any ghost encounters and the summit was gained with no problem. The wind however was howling in a manner befitting this hallowed eve. Layers were produced against the chill and the fire tower was gained, or at least several landings. Wind speeds were estimated in the 20s, with gusts in the 30s.

The night sky was stunning, with Cassiopeia, Pegasus and the Big Dipper being obvious standouts; the Pleiades could also be seen. After some time at the tower, the crew also enjoyed the Hudson Valley overlook ledges. This is a lovely place at night, and there was protection from the wind here as well.

After this very enjoyable summit stay, the descent went well, with only one mishap involving a brief hat misplacement. I enjoyed this hike a great deal. The beginning of an annual tradition.

I think the powerful energy of playfulness scared away all the ghosts at the ruin. Although suddenly seeing the walls loom up in the darkness was awful creepy.

Shooting stars too.

And just so everyone can stop guessing - Flammeus wasn't the little girl in pajamas :D

Definitely my favorite Halloween - as far back as I can remember...