Owls Head Lin Wds, Black Pond, Lincoln Brk, Brutus whack 4/18/09


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Apr 3, 2007
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Conditions - Lincoln Woods ice covered in spots, Black Pond trail covered in frozen snow, bushwhack largely snow free except for north facing descent to Lincoln Brook. Lincoln Brook trail covered by snow getting deeper heading towards the crossing. Soon after starting the Brutus bushwhack the ground was clear until starting the steep climbing when it became ice, frozen leaves and ground, and/or snow. Eventually the snow was deep enough for snowshoes. The monorail was easy to follow though it was rotten in a few spots. After a week of dry weather the crossings were possible without switching to our Crocs, we were able to use rocks above and below the surface of the water. The blowdowns were better than most any other time, either easy to get over or under or the monorail went around.
Equipment - Georg barebooted until the end of the Brutus bushwhack then switched to microspikes. Dave and I used microspikes on the LIncoln brook trail switching to snowshoes on the upper part of the Brutus whack until returning to the steep part on descent after summiting. We barebooted out.