Roger's Ledge Traverse, 6/20/14

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May 7, 2014
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Southern NH
Trails: Unknown Pond Trail to Kilkenny Ridge Trail. Kilkenny Ridge Tr. over Roger's Ledge and out at South Pond, with a trip in/out of Devil's Hopyard enroute.

Conditions: All trails enjoy "luxuriant undergrowth", which frequently overlaps the trail. However, they are just grasses and weeds and don't significantly impede progress or make the trail hard to follow. I'm a little paranoid about deer ticks when wading through vegetation, but I saw/found none.

Several significant blowdowns on Kilkenny Ridge Tr. on the segment between Roger's Ledge and South Pond; several crawl-unders seem to have become features of the trail. There is one recent, particularly nasty blowdown just north of Roger's Ledge. Devil's Hopyard Trail has a few blowdowns that make it even more challenging to negotiate than it would normally be.

Flora and Fauna: My wife spotted two black bears on the ski slopes of Cannon, and we saw a deer and (nursing) fawn in a field in Lancaster. Since I had seen a moose on the Kilkenny Ridge Tr., my wife noted that we had completed the NH Megafauna Trifecta by seeing a bear, moose and deer all in the same day. :) Also seen were a duck and train of baby ducks on Unknown Pond and a turkey with parade of baby turkeys crossing Route 115. In the flora category, there are plenty of ladyslippers on Kilkenny Ridge Tr.

Northern NH: 51.4 % Trails, 61.7% Miles