Salt Ash Mtn., 3286' by old road/snowmobile trail and bushwhack

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Spruce Grouch

New member
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
Date: 10/4/08

Conditions: I left the car on Salt Ash Road at about 1950'. Started walking the old road at that point. Some road wide puddles early on, but as I gained elevation road was dry. Eventually road split into two gated snowmobile trails with a sign labeling them as route 7N and 7S. I chose 7S , and continued climbing until the trail began to descend. At this point I headed into the woods which were fairly open hardwoods. When I got to about 3000' I was able to follow some moose paths to the summit. No views at the summit, but some nice views to the south and west just below the summit.

No special equipment needed.

Comments: I wonder if snowmobile route 7S goes between passes near the north ridge of Salt Ash. If it does that may be an even easier, less steep bushwhack to the summit.

Tom Massoth
[email protected]