Sugarloafs and Cannon Balls Days 4 & 5

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Grey J

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Jul 24, 2013
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Chattanooga TN
The Sugarloafs

I thought I might need a day off after Owl's Head but I felt so good after finishing the 48 and my legs agreed, that I went for a short hike and climbed North 2310 and Middle 2539 Sugarloaf off Zealand Rd. This is a great short hike that still has 1100 feet of elevation gain and gives you a huge payoff with open views from both summits. The views of Cherry, Dartmouth, Deception, etc. are all good. Middle has a big open ledge on top with views in more than one direction. Someone left this really cool piece of ephemeral trail art on the junction sign. I guess you would have to call it a mushroom etching. I took photos and left it right there for others to enjoy. Just another glorious day in the White Mts. My luck with good weather has been incredible.

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The Cannon Balls

We did the Kinsmans 15 years ago and had intended to loop over the Cannon Balls on the return but bad weather forced us to abort those plans and get off the ridge early. I always meant to go back and do this section when I had time and today I have time and the weather is still perfect. I went up Lonesome Lake Trail to the hut which now appears to be a mini-resort of some kind. There are people everywhere and I can hear whooping and hollering from a half mile away. I just kept right on going up the lyrically named Fishin' Jimmy Trail which is also part of the AT. There are lots of ups and downs after you leave the hut and the trail actually loses a couple hundred feet of elevation before rising again, steeply at times. Its a well engineered and well maintained section however, with ladders and wooden steps fastened to the ledges in places.

You turn right on Kinsman Ridge Trail at the junction to traverse the Balls but first you climb over the un-named Hump 3812. Its ironic that the highest point on this section gets no respect and has no name so I propose to name it The Caisson given its proximity to Cannon and the Cannon Balls. I'm not 100% certain when I passed over the West Cannon Ball 3693 and the trail kind of slabs around the Middle one, but the Northeast Cannon Ball 3769 (NEHH) has an obvious open summit. Its not very big but theoretically has good views across to Franconia Ridge which was a little hazy and washed out when I was there. I included a photo in that direction of Liberty. Its a steep descent down to the trail junction and then a routine descent to the lake and back to Lafayette Campground.

I met 2 guys on the ridge with heavy packs coming over from Cannon. They had no map and were looking and hoping for N Kinsman. I had to inform them they were smack in the middle of the Balls. Then I met a French couple with a 15 year old daughter. They had no map either and no idea where they were. Only mom carried water on this hot day. I tried to orient them and off they went. C'est la vie. 8.2 miles and about 2900 feet of elevation today. Still feeling good.

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