Old Man of the Valley?


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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
I've driven by many times but today I stopped to see the rock profile, the Old Man of the Valley. It's on Rt. 2 in Gorham/Shelburne NH a few miles east of where the AT crosses Rt. 2. I stuck his picture in my Old Man's Funeral album, although he's no Old Man (but neither is the Old Man himself anymore). This profile is about 6-8' high and the boulder sits on the ground. I gather he's been largely a local attraction until lately. Now with no Old Man rival to the west and a larger sign on the highway, his star may be rising. Does anyone know anything about the history (or myth) of his discovery or other legends?
It wasn;t too expensive to have it put on. I watched my dad have one of his tatoos removed a few years back. DISGUSTING! But hey.. the Old Man... lives forever!.. even if on my back
While you were in Shelburne did you check out the Stone Fish? (another roadside attraction)
The Great Stone Fish

Those are some cool looking rock profiles!
I'll bet that if we really looked around (& used a bit of imagination) we could really see all kinds of images out there in nature.
Thanks for the pictures!
Sherpa John:

Any chance to post a pic of the Old Man off of your back? I'd be interested in seeing that. I always saw the Old Man as the dude who watched my back when I was up in the North Woods. That'd be a neat twist on that idea to see him on your back. Or maybe I'm just being a giant dork.

Note: I'm not interested in getting a tattoo, so don't think I'm trying to scam your idea, just interested in seeing it.
Here it is! If you look close enough on the right you can make out some pine trees! I couldn;t figure out how to imbede it... I need a lesson! :D
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