Sanguinary Mt

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Grey J

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Jul 24, 2013
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Chattanooga TN
Having enjoyed my two forays into the Nash Stream Forest in recent years to climb the Percy Peaks in 2018 and then Sugarloaf this year, I've been doing some research on the Cohos Trail to see what other peaks might exist north of there. I'm thinking of adding South Baldhead (3097) to my 3K 'to do' list but also looking for information on Sanguinary Mt (3086). Although trip reports on South Baldhead are few and far between, there is more on record about that hike than Sanguinary Mt (zero) which is located north of Dixville Notch and whose summit presumably lies astride the Cohos Trail. I know thru-hikers on the Cohos have been through that section. Anyone else familiar with Sanguinary?
Having enjoyed my two forays into the Nash Stream Forest in recent years to climb the Percy Peaks in 2018 and then Sugarloaf this year, I've been doing some research on the Cohos Trail to see what other peaks might exist north of there. I'm thinking of adding South Baldhead (3097) to my 3K 'to do' list but also looking for information on Sanguinary Mt (3086). Although trip reports on South Baldhead are few and far between, there is more on record about that hike than Sanguinary Mt (zero) which is located north of Dixville Notch and whose summit presumably lies astride the Cohos Trail. I know thru-hikers on the Cohos have been through that section. Anyone else familiar with Sanguinary?

I just did a search in New England Trail Conditions and came up with bunch of reports for Sanguinary.
Not sure if you're doing the 3k list, and if not that's totally cool, but Sanguinary is not on it due to lack of col with Cave. Also, S. Baldhead's highpoint is a short easy trip off trail.
Thanks Salty. Not really doing the 3K list but just perusing multiple lists and maps of NH and looking for new 3K (and 2K) peaks reachable via trail that I haven't done including some of the more obscure ones outside of the most well known areas of the White Mountains. It's a long drive to get up there but I like exploring in the car as well as on the trail and I've been pushing further north in NH to see what's up there. Magalloway Mt (3383) is even further up and I might consider going up there as well to bag that one and check out the lakes.
Magalloway offers great views and you can usually access the fire tower or at least get up the stairs. If a weekend, expect company, as it is easily accessible off of Magalloway Rd. A fire warden occasionally is there to gives access to the tower cab. Be careful of the trail to the eastern view, as it crumbles off the cliff.
Thanks for the safety tip, NHC. I do like fire towers and plan to go in the other direction in 2020 as well to do the loop of Smarts Mt (3238). I still have a handful of White Mt 3Ks to get as well including Tremont, Wolf, Carr, Doublehead, Resolution, and Parker. I'm not doing any bushwhacking and I'm strictly a day hiker at this point. I'm passing on Davis and the traverse of the Weeks on the KRT. Salty, I believe I read your underwhelming trip report on the Weeks many years ago. I'm undecided on the Sleepers which is 14 miles back and forth via Downes Brook Trail and probably close to that but more elevation looping down the Sabbaday Brook Trail. Might go for it on a perfect day. Other than ski areas, which I'm not that interested in, I think I've done everything else between 3K and Washington that doesn't require a substantial whack.

I have to add Nanamocomuck and South Paugus as accessible 3000 footers in the Whites that I never climbed.
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Signal Mtn in the Millsfield Area is a nice old fire tower with great views although it is amongst the Granite Reliable Wind Power wind park. Someone is using it for repeater but the tower was still accessible. There is or was a trail that started on the west side of the mountain that follows an old logging road all the way to the summit.
Thanks peakbagger, that one definitely meets the obscure criteria, at least I had never heard of it and its not on the NH Fire Tower list either. Just to prove that I can actually use the search box, I uncovered your trip report from back in 2012. Seems like you've been everywhere man. I suppose one could possibly hit both Sanguinary and Signal on the same day as they are not too far apart. I don't recall if you mention the distance and elevation gain on Signal??

So right on cue my Cohos Trail guidebooks and map arrived via Amazon yesterday. A little disappointed that the longer Guidebook, though interesting, is just a narrative. The shorter databook does include mileages by short segments but not elevation gains. So does anyone have an elevation gain for Sanguinary Mt coming up from the Dixville Flume parking area on the Sanguinary Ridge and the Sanguinary Summit Trails? I have this as 3.8 miles one way with an optional .4 mile side trip to the ledges above The Balsams.

Also, I have South Baldhead at 6.8 miles one way from the gate at the northern end of Nash Stream Rd on the Gadwah Notch Trail. Anyone have an elevation gain for that hike? Thanks all.
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I'm estimating about 1500 feet of elevation gain for Sanguinary Mt based on the combined info in the AMC WMG which stops at the junction of the Sanguinary Ridge and Sanguinary Summit Trails, and the Cohos map and data book. That sound about right? A relatively easy hike. Easy enough that one might be tempted to continue on to the Panorama Shelter and the un-named peak (3011) just beyond it.

Ah, that "un-named peak" is referred to as the Mud Pond Ridge Peak in the Cohos Databook.
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If you want an even more obscure Fire Tower is Whitcom Mtn in the Phillips Brook area. There have been past trips reports on it.

I have to be careful on Signal Mtn as I had heard second hand that it had been logged since I was last there. Going via the trail from the west I think it was pretty easy as I was walking on an old logging road almost all the way to top. I dont think anyone actually maintains it so logging or blowdown could slow things down. My guess is it would be hard to spend more than half a day.