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  • Yes, Owl's Head is in the March plan.

    Here's a list of the targets for the month (no particular order)....

    Adams & Madison
    Passaconaway & Whiteface
    Owl’s Head

    At this point, our hike days will be Fridays and Saturdays (except probably not 3/3).

    We can certainly schedule Owl's Head before the end of winter if it would help. Please let me know.
    Thanks for the nice comment and green square. We've been having a lot of fun working on the trails this year.
    Hi Ray, That would be great! I'm just not sure when I will have time to get out this year :-(
    Did you have some time in mind? I have a new job, which is a great job! but...its been challenging to get out on purely recreational hikes :)

    I did change my screen name. My original screen name was the same as my email so it was for spam/privacy reasons. Cheers.
    Feet are doing ok. Been so busy. Can't even get out during lunch break to take stroll check out that problem.
    I am booked solid for the next few weekends. So I cannot do any hiking. Please keep me in mind for other times. Thanks. How are the feet?
    Thanks for the greenie and your positive comments regarding the bushwhack to Owl's Head from Franconia Ridge. I apreciate both very much.
    I was thinking the same thing about the Desolation route. I've never done Signal Ridge up and back on a non-Winter weekend so I imagine it will be a crowded route. I wonder if it makes sense to gather a small group to leave at 8:00 so we can join the party at the top? I know the hike to the Desolation junction is fast. It's kind of like Owl's head in that it's almost flat so you can zoom through it. Let me know if you'd be interested in an earlier start and maybe we can gather a small group to ascend via Desolation.
    Whitewall appeals - got a good look at it from Ethan Pond Trail during Wilderness-Shoal Pond-Zealand traverse two weeks ago, including those lamented bridges. This weekend will find me in Baxter SP, however. Maybe something later in the Fall?

    Re: Blue Job and trail work I got this message from NH trails. Not sure what to make of it. Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated. The trail suffers from a severe lack of any type of drainages in addition to have herd paths and trail creep/widening. At any rate I'll attend the meeting and go from there.

    Dear Christopher;

    Thank you for your email regarding trail conditions at Blue Job State Forest. As of right now, Blue Job is not part of the Adopt-A-Trail Program at this time, however we can give permission for people to maintain those trails. The trails are currently not maintained by our staff, but are maintained to a certain degree by local folks. Unfortunately we do not have any funding for major non motorized trail projects; however groups can apply for funding through our Department for trail building and maintenance. First we would need a proposal from the group that outlining what wants to be done and staff here will follow up to discuss the proposal and eventually give permission to move forward with it.

    You are more than welcome to attend the Statewide Trails Advisory Committee Meeting as a guest and can ask questions at the end of the meeting.
    Thank you again, for feeding me and putting me up Saturday night. It was a pleasure to meet Allie. we will have to find a time to hike.
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