Daredevil canoeists tempt fate on Umbagog Lake


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Nov 8, 2003
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If it ain't snowin' there, we ain't goin' there.
The date: Friday the 13th, no less
The location: The reputedly fearsome Umbagog Lake near Errol, NH, infamous for luring unwary paddlers to their doom on wind-tossed waves
The plan: Put in at the Androscoggin River, just upstream of the Errol Dam. Paddle upriver and across Umbagog to a remote campsite for three days and two nights of camping and fishing, then come back the same way.
The party members: One green paddler with a passion for angling and his BWCA-educated uncle
The vessel: Penobscot 17
The motto: "Tow from a commercial pontoon boat? We don't need no stinkin' tow!"
The weather: No wind in three days. Thass right, no wind for three days. Bright sunshine continuously until Saturday night, then continuous rain until we were back in the car on Sunday afternoon.
The fishing: Untold suicidal smallmouths hooked and released by the nephew (well, seven), plus an equal or greater number of misssed strikes by bass, plus a caught and released pickerel, plus a caught and released whitefish (What was I thinking, letting that kid throw that delectable whitefish back? :rolleyes: )
The bugs: Virtually no blackflies. Lots of vicious mosquitoes around dark and thereafter, until they chilled out.
The credits: Many thanks to spider solo and SK for their help in planning.
Sounds like a great trip. I have thought about trying kayak camping trip. Glad yours worked out so well. Can you tell me where you camped. PM me if you don't want everyone to know. ;) :eek:

Umbagog can be mirror smooth or feel more like you are paddling on the ocean! :eek:

The last time I camped on a remote site we were getting tossed and thrown about on the waves on the way over. But smiling the whole time!

The best time I have had on Umbagog was one very early morning, with the fog thicker than pea soup, couldn't even see the front of my kayak, and I just sort of slowly paddled around, and listened to the muffeled sounds of the lake and all its critters waking up. Very nice memory...

I guess the secret is out!

Sorry, Sir, I cannot obey that order! I'm planning on a weekend on Umbagog just after Labor Day.

Nice Tr and pic!

happy trails :)