Adams by Lowes 7-10-09

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Trail Conditions: Lowe's Path had some very wet and muddy sections in the lower regions, as expected after the rains of the recent weeks. Above treeline, all was dry and clear. No serious blowdowns and no problems crossing the few small brooks.
Equipment: Nothing special needed. Poles helpful as always for balance on slippery rocks and gaiters kept most mud and water out of our boots.
Comments: John and I left the Lowe's lot at 8:10 am on a beautiful, clear, cool, calm day. We took a look at the Log Cabin and paid a visit to the hut manager at Gray Knob. Views above treeline were spectacular. The summit cone of Adams was just as rocky as we remembered, but low winds and some sun made it a much more pleasant place to rest and snack than on our previous visits. There were the usual summit bugs, but not bad and none were biting or stinging. We reached the top at 12:40 and headed back down at 1:20. Reached the car at 5:30. After passing only one other hiker on the way up, we met several groups of various sizes and age/gender configurations on the summit and on the way down. Some very nice family groups and two - separate - trim young men doing northern Pressie traverses. We saw juncos and a hairy woodpecker and heard white-throated sparrows, boreal chickadees, ravens, swainson's thrushes, black-throated green warblers, and several other unidentified warblers.
All told a great hike!