Best Skivvies/undershorts/underwear

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Pete_Hickey said:
Thanks for the suggestion. Think I'll give them a try.

What do you think will get that image out of my head? Maybe I will need a brain transplant :D

Pete, that suggestion was for the ladies on the board but hey, whatever floats your boat, they would go nicely with your pair of pantyhose, I am guessing but NO need to share that in an avatar ;)

And Rick, Brian says "Good Luck" on the conversation with your wife over dinner . . . :D

sli74 said:
I have discovered after much looking around and failed tries that the BEST undies for me are actually Victoria's Secret "Body by Victoria" synthetic low rise bikinis. On sale, during the semi annual sale, they run about $6 each, they are comfy, prevent chaffing better than most others I have tried, can be washed and dried very quickly, are lightweight and come in many pretty colors (that's always a bonus) :D

Cotton causes issues and the no undies thing, well let's just say I am an undies girl. I used them on the Long Trail and they worked wonderfully. They also have the advantage of being synthetic, cuz you know cotton kills ;)

So that explains why Victoria's Secret is so close to EMS in the Meriden Mall. I agree with Rick, this is going to be tough sell. My wife already thinks I am full of sh!t .......Sorry my mind started to you think EMS and Vicotria's Secret will have a corporate merger?

haha nice thread - i have visuals of most of you in VSC undies - a girl can dream can't she? that would make a neat hiking calendar. you guys can pose in your favorites on various summits & i'll take the pics then we'll sell them, make millions, we can all quit working and hike every day. oh and give darren some of the proceed too :rolleyes:
ok commando is most comfortable BUT if ya gotta be practical then I often wear swimming shorts or a bathing suit bottom in the summer. serves dual purpose: i'm always ready for a dip and they dry fast.
thongs are fashionable but hiking 12 hrs w/ that up the crack of my ass - well boys if you haven't tried it you won't understand! :eek:
also for summer, if i'm not going for the bathing suit idea then i like a lite polyester / silky type of undies.
in the winter merino wool boy shorts or tighter style boxers or just whatever long underwear i need to the degree of coldness.
now please forward your pics and i'll begin to review them....
For the person who gave me a negative reputation points for "too much information" . . . I'd like to point out to you that the thread is about underwear worn while hiking to prevent chaffing, if your sensibilities are so easily hurt I suggest you avoid reading such a "controversial thread", I answered the question which was asked, your dislike of my underwear choice to prevent chaffing is amusing to me, lighten up !!!!

I wish I could wear my biking shorts hiking, they are by far the most comfortable things...

I prefer cool max boxers or commando...and the perfect shorts!
twigeater said:
I wish I could wear my biking shorts hiking, they are by far the most comfortable things...

Why can't you wear your bike shorts hiking?
Originally Posted by Halite
Why can't you wear your bike shorts hiking?

I suppose they'd be all right for some hikes. But for butt sliding I wouldn't think that spandex on granite would last long.
Halite said:
Why can't you wear your bike shorts hiking?
Some bike shorts have padding in the crotch. Not the best for walking.

And to toss in my 2 cents on the original question:
Lightweight moisture tansport fabric (REI MTS) briefs work for me. Winter and summer. Much drier than cotton. My thighs don't rub--if they did, I'd probably try boxers.

Reverend-T said:

This kilt idea has me curious. I have seen the Mt. Hardware Kilt and liked the ones at utilikilt. But really, how are they to hike in and what kinds of looks do they get?


Rev. T
I have hiked in the woods where only other hikers see and they looked but said little.

I have hiked on trail that junction, cross and even follow roadways and I get the occasional honk, look but never a comment to date other than one person asking if I was a scottsman. (Canadian).

I use sportskilt.
After many experiments...

I've figured out the chaffing is a moisture/heat issue. If your inner thighs are dry and clean you should have no problems. Try this method...

- Scrub clean the area before and after hiking. Not just a little you really have to scrub it with a wash cloth. Then be sure to rinse it clean really good. The soap will cause even worst issues.
- Wear something so lite it's barely there. For instance I wear lite wieght soccer/running kind of shorts. I wear them kinda up high so as much of my thighs are exposed as possible.
- You can also try (if you not too scared) to wear a hikers kilt commando sytle. Yes I do this time to time and yes you have to be careful taking big high steps up on rocks. Occasionally people see things they shouldn't or don't want to (sometimes they like it).
- Both methods keep as much cool air flow as possible drying the area out. It is very important that you remember to clean the area. Dirt and other grime will assist the chaffing process.

Since I've taken to this method I've had NO issues. Before this method I would be in lots of pain that I could barely hike out on overnight trips from the pain down there. Good luck!
bodyglide, bathing suits and spandex!

bodyglide. go check it out.
try wearing a bathing suit. one with the shorter legs, not the bodyboard shorts. keep it as dry as you can, think of it like a blister on your foot. if you get a hotspot treat before it turns into the atomic burn. also an external frame pack my be more appropriate for you. it allows the air to circulate on your back reducing the swamp butt syndrome. also i have heard that wearing an unpadded cycling shorts comes in handy. guys can wear them beneath a lightweight short.

if you feel the burn take a break, take a drink, eat a snack and give it some air!

good luck!
oh yeah, one more solution

now this is something ive heard from the AT thruhikers to prevent the ugly chafe in the nether region.


i am not kidding.
oh yeah some more

gold bond powder/baby powder to help with the drying. also you could try a dance belt. its an athletic supporter. basically its a thong and it sucks your testicles up. its the reason why the male ballet dancers appear to have large endowments. its protection. can you imagine doing what they do in a pair of plain boxers! thats what i call a nutcracker! once you get used to a dance belt its pretty comfortable. they are like a speedo; but a thong back.

take care,

sorry to drag it on, ive spent a lot of time researching this. the swamp butt is worse than a blister on the foot.
cmr_hiker said:
also you could try a dance belt. its an athletic supporter. basically its a thong and it sucks your testicles up. its the reason why the male ballet dancers appear to have large endowments. its protection. can you imagine doing what they do in a pair of plain boxers! thats what i call a nutcracker! once you get used to a dance belt its pretty comfortable. they are like a speedo; but a thong back.