Black Flies out in Northern Whites

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In Rembrance , July 2024
Staff member
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
Lining up with tradition of black flies out around Mother's Day weekend, black flies were out in Gorham on both Saturday and in Jefferson on Sunday. They seemed to be only active in mid afternoon. They were not biting but were around and borderline annoying if I was not moving. Let hope they keep to gone by Father's Day guideline. Time for the bug net and repellent.
Lining up with tradition of black flies out around Mother's Day weekend, black flies were out in Gorham on both Saturday and in Jefferson on Sunday. They seemed to be only active in mid afternoon. They were not biting but were around and borderline annoying if I was not moving. Let hope they keep to gone by Father's Day guideline. Time for the bug net and repellent.

I guess doing trailwork in dixville notch could be hell in two weeks? Board meeting on the 12th. Want to camp for a few days. Is that a bad plan this year? Probably should get a room.
Looks like my trailwork in Dixville is going to be fun. Got smart and got a room in Gorham rather than camp.