Bonds...finally (Labor day weekend)

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Feb 5, 2009
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Small Town in Maine
FINALLY, hubby had a full, two day weekend, the weather looked fine, the babysiter was all was the dog sitter. After lots of advice from my fine VFTT buddies...we were off. We arrived Friday night, hiked into an off trail camp site and set up for the night. It was great...really pretty, water (although it tasted kind of fishy), a great night. We were off by 6:00 am the next day to bag us some peaks.

It was a bit foggy, but boy wasn't Zealand pond beautiful...what a morning


We hit the hut just in time to smell some that BACON? Oh yea, AMC huts COOK b-fast for the lucky ones. Oh well..I'll imagine I'm eating bacon instead of, what is this? some sort of bar thing. Oh well. There were lots of people there...several families with young kids enjoying the falls and the views. We stayed for a bit to talk then off again.

We enjoyed the trail and began by taking a nice side trip to Zeacliff...yup, definitaly will try to spend a night here when we do this again. The views were georgeous...especially at this time of the am


After a quick snack, we were off four our 1st 4k'er of the trip...Zealand. It was a very nice walk and we leapfrogged with a bunch of hikers to the top. Kinda anticlimactic...but, I suppose that's a good thing for the 1st peak of the day...although, the sign WAS kind of cute.

Quick break...and now off to Guyout. Again, we leapfrogged with a pair that we'd met at the hut...and stopped to talk when we broke out almost to Guyout..."isn't Washington beautiful?...but, oh look, it's in the clouds...surprise" I said.


"um...that's Franconia" I was told...oops!!! (thus the reason I bought the Scudder's guide...guess I should look at it more?)

We hiked together for a while then we hit Guyout Shelter. Our friends went off to Bond...we went to get rid of our monster packs. I'd been told about a mouse problem there...but we encountered...a devious pair of squirls! One would show us how CUTE it was...while the other came around the other side to steal food...I feard for my life:D

Now the real trip to the Bonds and Bond Cliff. We had been told that we should save W. Bond for catch that was our plan. We hit Bond


headed off to Bond Cliff


And NOW...the shot I'd waited a lifetime for...the famous bondcliff shot...I scared hubby by sitting on the edge like this he he he! ;)

The views from Bond are incredible...and not a man-made structure in sight. I only have ONE problem...Owls head? Really? Looks more like an elephant to me


By this time, it's about 3:00 pm and it was quite warm. Although we'd been doing great and having a BLAST, the trip back up to Bond was a bit difficult...and quite hot. I was quite glad to be back into the trees for a while. Sunset was quite a bit later so we decided to spend the waiting time to W. Bond sunset talking to other hikers and the caretaker (who had suggested the sunset action to begin with). Interestingly, we got to discussing how many people were at the shelter the weekend prior...and how the HECK he'd gotten 72 people there! His comment was that he should have taken a picture as no one would believe him. We met lots of other people...and convinced a few to join us this evening.

Sunset was awe was the conversation...just hubby and I, our two "platform mates", a solo hiker, and the CUTEST newly engaged couple we'd ever seen!




We stayed a little longer after the show was over then took the leisurly trip back to the hut with our new to think about while I drift off to sleep.

We had planned to get up early and try and hit sunrise...we wanted to get onto Guyout 15 minutes prior to the official sunrise so...we were going to be up by 4:00...set the cellphone alarm...and then...overslept. What IS it about cellphone alarm clocks? Do they NOT WORK if there isn't reception? Anyway, we did get above treeline just in time to see some of the tail end of the show but the wind was WICKED...almost couldn't stand up (really difficult to take pictures when your constantly being toppled over)


Really nice but glad to be down below the gale. We were going to hit Hale on the way out...and then road walk back to the car. It was a nice trip unti labout half way from the hut and the summit of Hale...then, I hit the wall. I got REALLY bushed, difficult time getting the energy to make it up that one more peak. I kept tripping and hubby was worried that I was hurt or really going to struggle getting down. I summit shot on Hale (not that anyone really needs one there anyway) and the trip down was close to Hell for me. My pack was way too heavy and not fitting, my feet were really hurting, I was very tired and really didn't care anymore. I almost cried when we got to the Hale Brook Trailhead...and there was a full MILE LEFT TO THE CAR!!!

Oh well...Other than the trip to Hale (now THAT'S over)...this was a grade A+ #2 of all times (Kathadin is still my #1)...We met lots of great people (many of them AT hikers...on their quest for the finish), I now have a new overnight pack...and nothing but fond memories of the Bonds...thanks to all who helped with advice and making this a memorable hike!

Rest of the pictures here