Bushwacking convention in November


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crystaljc said:
Could someone explain what this is?

Last November several people assembled at a campground for a weekend of bushwhack hiking. On Saturday they set off in groups of generally 2-4 people in search of routes to various route-less peaks. Many who had little bushwhacking experience learned some navigation skills and became more comfortable traveling off-trail. They all had a lot of fun and want to do it again.
You people that enjoy b-whacking are just plain sick, especially you Post'r Boy :eek: :D

Although, the Whites are prolly a little far for a w/e trip for me, if anyone ever makes it out this way, let me know, I'll be more than happy to "get us lost" in the deep, forlorn Adirondack 2nd growth ;)
post'r boy said:
i agree with The"Missin' Link"!!!!!
november is the wettest month of the year. i vote for before the time change!! :D :D :D :D :D
Suffrin' is suffrin', makes no matter when. If I can make it, I'll be there (see disclaimer below).

BTW, whackin during "regular" Deer hunting season in NH is nuts, IMHO. Muzzle loader starts 10/29, regular firearms starts 11/9. Not that many people expect to see hikers away from trails.
So what is the date????

You people have me itching.
Ya'but the positive sideof Nov is NO BUGS!

So NEXT year do it at a different time. I'm good for Nov.
SherpaKroto said:
Suffrin' is suffrin', makes no matter when. If I can make it, I'll be there (see disclaimer below).

BTW, whackin during "regular" Deer hunting season in NH is nuts, IMHO. Muzzle loader starts 10/29, regular firearms starts 11/9. Not that many people expect to see hikers away from trails.

depends on where you're whackin' i've never seen any hunters on the higher ridges. i whack year round and haven't had a problem yet! (yet) being the key word. anywho i ain't afeared and i'll be whackin' whether it's whacky weekend or not!!
p.s. wear blaze orange, and iffin yer afeared, :D :D :D :D stay home! :D
SherpaKroto said:
BTW, whackin during "regular" Deer hunting season in NH is nuts, IMHO. Muzzle loader starts 10/29, regular firearms starts 11/9. Not that many people expect to see hikers away from trails.
My limited ecperience (in Maine) is that hunters are lazy and will not go any substantial distance from their SUV to hunt. They would never drag a dead deer down off a mountain.

If there is a problem, it's likely to be near the road where you are probably on an approach trail. When I went with Bob and Geri last year during hunting season (both in the US and Canada) we could tell where the hunters were (and weren't) by where they were parked. And they weren't hunting up on the frigid top of Boundary Bald, I'll tell you that! :D

But boy were they hangin' out in Jackman!

I'll give you Neighbor's lucky orange shirt if there's a hunter up on the Hitchcock's,Huntington's,Scar ridge,Scaur,Foolkiller,who's gonna drag a deer from there??Of course I gotta drug em' first..... :) :)