Cabot via York Pond, Bunnell Notch, Kilkenny Ridge

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York Pond Trail clear. Bunnell Notch Trail clear for the first 1.5 miles with a few patches of snow, the only major water crossing was running high, but was easy to cross. Up until the Kilkenny Ridge junction, there was an unstable monorail, with water-filled bare patches. Kilkenny Ridge Trail for the first .3 miles alternated between being clear, and having an inch or two of fresh snow. After that, a fairly stable, if not a bit narrow, monorail persisted to the cabin. Beyond the cabin, trail finding was a bit of an issue, but we made the summit and retreated the way we came.

Special equipment: Microspikes may be useful, though we barebooted the whole way.

Great day in the north country!