Car Break In Response from AMC Huts Manager

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sli74 said:
Does this sort of thing increase as the weather and temps get better? Another reason to like winter better . . .

A lot of the posts would indicate that it occurs more in the summer and a lot more on the weekends. It is apparently often a bunch of kids "having a good time," if that is what you could call it.

Seema - congrats on your traverse (read SKs report)after attemping it a week ago I commend your effort...that is a major hike!
bjc - which lot/trailhead at Monadnock?

ANyone know where I can find my old Mazda PU???? :mad:
On the relative occurrence of breakins

A while back I spoke to a fellow on the AMC trail conditions line about parking safety and he stated to me that breakins peaked in spring and fall.


If its worthwhile, insurance can give a some peace of mind. I always thought you pay more if you file a claim, but I had two broken windshields over 2 years and my rates have fallen. USAA also gives me a score on how they base their pricing and it has remained at 000 (0 points) despite these problems.

Not the ideal solution if it does not make sense to carry comprehensive on your car--I know-- but if you do, you might walk up the trail feeling a little better.
bjc - which lot/trailhead at Monadnock?

Birchtoft trailhead at Gilson Pond off Dublin Road. There were a number of other cars in the lot but none of the others appeared to have been hit.
My car was broken into while I was camping in February during a storm.
Being a bad guy is a full time job, year round.
I was thinking about the Ex Lax Brownies. Perhaps in a nice gift box with a birthday card to some non-exixtent person. When I mentioned this once before someone had expressed that you could get sued if they became ill. BUT... how would they ever know who did it. The crooks don't take your plate number down. By the time they ate them and were spending there time on the potty or in the hospital you would be long gone!!!
It's better than getting yourself shot trying to catch them.
In this day of technology there has to be some way to catch these derelicts.
The other side of the coin is they should make penalties very stiff. Lots of community service projects until every dime is paid off in WORK! We all know how much these types LOVE TO WORK! That might be the best deterrant yet. If they don't like that idea they could opt for a nice long jail sentence and have to do their WORK behing bars.
Does anyone know what the penalty was for the last individuals caught doing this? There's nothing like having to pick up trash on the roads in the summer heat or the deep freeze to make you ponder the error of you ways.
I bet it wouldn't take all that long for word to circulate that crime does not pay at trailheads in NH.
There's nothing like having to pick up trash on the roads in the summer heat or the deep freeze to make you ponder the error of you ways. I bet it wouldn't take all that long for word to circulate that crime does not pay at trailheads in NH.
Yeah, I don't see this as a real deterrent. For someone looking for trouble, the prospect of the punishment if caught is not always a deterrent. Just ask the guys on death row. The dude robbing the Quickie-Mart at gunpoint isn't thinking about the prison time he'll do if caught, he's thinking about how much money he's going to get out of the drawer. Likewise, the idiots breaking into cars aren't thinking about the consequences of committing a felony, they're thinking how much money they can get for your stuff.

Think of the whispers in the criminal underworld when word gets around that you could be beaten by rogue hikers or tied to a tree and smeared with honey or hung upside down in a bucket of ice water and have your ankles burned. Thats a deterrent.
An unfortunate trend on the AT where it crosses the VA and WV border on, I believe Route 9, is that they will break into the cars then set them on fire. It has happened a few times and the parking area is fairly isolated. State police in both states have been trying to deal with it, but last I heard it was still problematic.