Cliff and Redfield from Upper Works 3/19

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I'll own up to being the moron who forgot the map and walked up the stream (uphill brook) instead of the herd path.

Started at 7. Up Calamity brook trail to Flowed Lands and across the lake (barebooted). Up the winter trail for Cliff (which I learned about here); used stabil-icers and some ancient 36" snowshoes.

Tried for Redfield, but, lacking the map (left two copies at home!), we lost the herd path and walked up the wrong side of uphill brook.

Down the opalescent trail to the lean-to. Flowed lands crossing was very soft and very mushy and quite wet -- there were pockets of open water, which will limit how much longer this route can be used.

The last mile is pretty well melted, but before that, the spikes were somewhat useful.