Edmands or Crawford path to Eisenhower?


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Sep 4, 2005
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Bedford, nh
I would like to hike Eisenhower as #48, but am unsure which trail I should take. Any opinions? Thanks!

May -

Welcome to VFTT!

Edmand's Path is a very easy and direct route to Ike. There are lots of possibilites to do a long loop, or use many trails depending on what you want out of your day. Edmand's Path would not be too tough on nonhikers. Another longer option would be to use the Crawford Path or come over via Monroe from the Ammo and Lakes of the Clouds.
good luck - when is the big day?
I would also suggest a loop of the Crawford Path over Pierce to Eisenhower heading down the Edmand's Path.... You'll have to shuttle a car or hitch a ride back to the Crawford Path lot, but it's worth it! I did that loop this summer and it's one of my favorite hikes. Very easy grading on all of the trails and an absolutely beautiful hike.
Thanks guys! I'm planning on waiting till peak season in the fall. My main objective is to enjoy the foliage and have time to enjoy at the summit. Does either path have an advantage in having the best foliage views (assuming I don't have a car spot and have to choose one trail over the other).
Welcome to VFTT, May!

Both trails are beautiful. If you use The Crawford Path, you'll be above treeline a bit longer. That's good in good weather, but bad in bad weather, of course. A loop will give you the best of both trails. Ike offers spectacular views out over Fabyan and Bretton Woods, as well as the wilder view down into the Dry River Valley.

Have fun!
mudpuddle said:
I would also suggest a loop of the Crawford Path over Pierce to Eisenhower heading down the Edmand's Path.... You'll have to shuttle a car or hitch a ride back to the Crawford Path lot, but it's worth it! I did that loop this summer and it's one of my favorite hikes. Very easy grading on all of the trails and an absolutely beautiful hike.
ditto ditto ditto ditto. You get a number of slightly different alpine habitats along the way too; this is a good hike for those interested in flora. (harder to identify this time of year though)

Mizpah Hut is (somewhat) nearby Pierce; if you go up Edmands and down Crawford Path, you have the choice of going direct, or detouring via Webster Cliff Tr to stop at the hut to relax before the journey down. (adds about a mile I think... the section of W Cliff Tr above Mizpah is a bit steep/rough but not too long.)

edit: then you can also get into discussions about which is the best lunch spot and how to plan your hike accordingly :rolleyes:
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May said:
Thanks guys! I'm planning on waiting till peak season in the fall. My main objective is to enjoy the foliage and have time to enjoy at the summit. Does either path have an advantage in having the best foliage views (assuming I don't have a car spot and have to choose one trail over the other).
I have done both with one car. Parked at Crawford Path TH, went up CP, short sidetrip to Pierce, over all summits as far as Lakes of the Clouds, and back via CP til I reached Edmands, and down Edmands. Caught a lift back to my car, but I was willing to walk it. Would also have been willing to descend Ammo Ravine Tr and walk back to the car. In general, lifts back to CP TH should be pretty easy to get. (I got a lift from some hikers that I met on the ridge.)

Ditto, I did the same with one car. I suggest parking at Crawford Notch, and walking the road to start. I did this (minus lakes of the clouds) with my son strapped to my back last may. Its about a 10 mile loop.


DougPaul said:
I have done both with one car. Parked at Crawford Path TH, went up CP, short sidetrip to Pierce, over all summits as far as Lakes of the Clouds, and back via CP til I reached Edmands, and down Edmands. Caught a lift back to my car, but I was willing to walk it. Would also have been willing to descend Ammo Ravine Tr and walk back to the car. In general, lifts back to CP TH should be pretty easy to get. (I got a lift from some hikers that I met on the ridge.)

I agree that the loop is nice, even with the road walk. I also carried my daughter on this loop when she was 2. I especially enjoyed the walk from Mt. Pierce to Mt. Eisenhower.
I'm definitely getting sold on this loop thing. Seems highly recommended. I like the idea of walking the road first and get that part out the way. It wasn't something I had planned on doing, but this way allows me to see the best of both trails. 10 miles will still give me time to enjoy the views too! Going on Arghman's idea, if you guys know of the best places to stop for lunch/snacks shoot your ideas this way. Again, thanks. I'll use all this info to put my final plans together - pretty excited about it!
May said:
I like the idea of walking the road first and get that part out the way.
Might I suggest that the road walk be left to last? If you are delayed it will be easier to walk the road in the dark. Also, if need be, one can go for the car while the other group members wait at the trailhead.

When I did the loop (up CP and over the summits to Lakes), I knew I could return down CP, Edmands, or Ammo Ravine on the way out and down Edmands or CP on the way back. My actual decision was made based upon time, weather, and how strong I felt. My target was to get back to the road by dark. (As it was, I was able to do the entire loop and make it back to the car with plenty of time to spare.)
