Katahdin Winter Abol Trial BSP Winter 2/22/13


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Departed Abol Camp lean-to 7am with light day packs, moved in snow shoes until well established on the Abol Slide - somewhat technical in snowshoes. We cashed our snow shoes and bare booted to the summit - icy on the top. Six people on this route reached the summit - 3 bare booted, 1 micro spiked and two in full crampons, poles helpful other tools not necessary. Trial mix of ice, hard snow, rock, and some soft powder. Rock was not rime covered so blue blazes visible on slide, tablelands in whiteout marked by cairns, roped walk ways, and white AT blazes (sic), though GPS and compass helpful backup. Blessed by warm temps 22 degrees, winds steady 25mph on last mile to top. Back to camp at 4pm (5.5 hours up 3.5 down). Great Job Ro Emery, Amy Dowley

Michael M