Owls Head 1-29-12


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Thanks all for the beta...

One more thought... for anyone in the future reading this post for beta and thinking "screw that bushwhack I'm taking the slide", IMHO (and I am happy to be corrected by those with more experience) it would have been a really difficult ascent on Saturday. Can you say swim? At least when we started down it was 2-3 feet of unconsolidated powder with only a very thin veneer of crust and of course very steep.** On the way down most of us couldn't stay upright, falling backwards when moving. Butt-sliding was the preferred method of descent.* I think at one point I was sliding, carefully grabbing at trees, rocks, and digging in with my poles, riding a couch sized mound of snow. Considering the steepness of the slope, I can't imagine how we would have gotten enough purchase to ascend. Wonderful views though (but I was too scared to really enjoy them). Now maybe we scraped off enough of the powder to change all that, and a bunch of wet snow could change things too, but I'm just saying a correct Brutus track seems by far the easiest way to ascend.