Side Entry PFD

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New member
Sep 15, 2003
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Harbor Hill Moraine
Anyone paddle a canoe with a side-entry pfd? I've seen some real nice models on the market but I am concerned that the side-entry zipper might irritate my bicep (however small it may be :( ) if paddling for long periods of time.
Thanks a lot.
When paddling a kayak, how often does your right arm (for example) cross over to the left side of your body though? When paddling a canoe (in my, case I paddle on the left), my right arm is constantly crossed over the front of my body which might bring about irritation on the inside of my bicep with the zipper.
Maybe I'm wrong, I don't paddle a kayak.
The woman in the picture illustrates this well (although she is paddling on her right). I know it's a gay picture but it was the best I could find that gets right to the point.
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When using a double blade in a kayak (Euro paddle at least), I was taught that your hands shouldn't really cross over the centerline of your body, the only times they do cross in a "roll position" which is the first step when rolling, you cross your arm all the way over the side of your roll and perhaps in a sculling position you'll cross your body, but not in a normal paddle stroke. However, if you are tired or have a more low paddling position, your elbows on the side of the zipper may be lower than others with more of a high paddle position...

I have a Lotus sea something or other, I forget the name but it's not a side-zip.
