summit etiquette?

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Winter forty-sexer? That sounds like a "Seinfeld" episode. No wait, they already did one on "shrinkage"

If you completed the winter list, would you get a patch at the "Blue Ball"?
Ya'll crack me up! :D

4 years ago, before I met my wife-to-be, I was hiking in NJ with a girl from work. We were both recently divorced and started dating casually. Anyway, we were hiking the very popular Van Campen's Glen Trail, but since it was after work and mid-week, there was only two other cars in the parking lot. We were having a good ole time talking and walking when we rounded a corner and right there, in the middle of the trail no less, were a couple going at it. We both stopped on a dime, looked at each other, and while smiling and blushing, turned around and headed back. Probably should have made some noise or said something, but it was just so unexpected that I think we were both too shocked to do anything. Well, we got back to the car, and after a few minutes of laughing about the experience, here they come! They were very young, maybe 17 or 18, with that "Goth" look, long jet-black hair (both of them), lots of piercings, etc. They looked very hurried as they got in their car and sped off. Another few minutes goes by and another couple, who looked to be retired, comes out of the woods. The old guy was steamed! He asked if we saw some kids and we said yeah, they just left. He then proceeded to tell us of catching them in the act and giving them hell for not taking that behavior off the trail at least. His poor wife didn't say a word but was clearly embarrassed.

Lesson: Have fun, but please, off the trail! :p
Sorry, Adk_dib, it won't happen again. :(

Seriously, it was a public place and that was very rude behavior. The worst part might be having to visualize Grumpy w/o his cargo shorts. :confused: Door locks, maybe?

Add to KZKlimber's list of things to say:

"I think that's poison ivy."
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afka_bob said:
The worst part might be having to visualize Grumpy w/o his cargo shorts. :confused: Door locks, maybe?
First off, being ugly ain't illegal. If it were, clothes or no clothes, I'd be permanently in the slam.

Now . . .

Actually, Mrs. G and I never locked our bedroom door after that surprise appearance at our bedside by Prima Donna Grumpy.

Our solution was to make sure PDG thereafter understood that a closed door to someone else’s quarters means it is not OK to just walk in. She very quickly -- and quite painlessly -- learned to knock and wait at the door until invited to enter. Simple good manners. That’s all. Bedroom door locks are not especially necessary in a polite and respectful household.

Now, I do think that discretion should rule and do not advocate summit coupling. But something deep inside my slightly rebellious being also keeps me from calling it an absolute no-no. Perhaps this is because once upon a time I was young and frisky and had certain ambitions and could be pretty “spontaneous,” myself. Anyway, I’m quite sure there are far worse things that go on in our world and so don’t spend much time or energy worrying about this one or even other forms of summit-hogging.

I’m quite amused by many of the proposed ways to deal with coupled celebrants one might stumble across on mountaintops. Good, clever, down-and-dirty barroom humor in play, and mostly good natured fun. Still, in actual practice I’m not exactly comfortable wth confrontation of the sort frequently proposed -- even the more good-humored ways of going about it -- as a first move.

So I’ll stick to my guns about letting the frolickers know I’m there and giving them a reasonable opportunity to collect themselves as a first, and I hope last resort. What’s a few short minutes of my time at that point, anyway?

If that doesn’t work, then it’s obvious I’m dealing with unmannered jerks who don’t appreciate subtlety. So significantly less subtle means to secure my “share” of the summit may be taken. I won’t let this escalate too far, though, and I sure won’t let it ruin my day. I’m out there to have a good time and getting into a verbal (or other) battle with somebody over this kind of stuff hardly seems like the way to achieve that end.

Grumpy, I wholeheartedly agree. I also agree with the suggestion that if you have kids in tow, the incident can be turned into a positive learning experience. This is part of life! My wife and I have been fortunate in that we've been able to discuss ANY subject pretty comfortably with our kids. That ablility has taken the potential risk of "injury" out of chance encounters, not just on the trails, but the news as well.
Alright, I've tried my best to stay away from this thread, but I've got weight in on one point - having sex in public is illegal. Plain and simple. If I had wanted to see someone's fat ass having sex I would have stayed at home and rented a porno. Calm down dude - just relax dude - it's natural. That's fine. So is sleeping on a summit. I'm tired, so I sleep in my sleeping bag at the summit. But no - that's against the law!! Your ruining the envrionment!!! How could you!! But then I'm supposed to just brush off the fact that two people 9or more for that matter) are humping on a summit. Not what I came to the woods for - maybe I'll shoot for having sex in my neighbor's driveway - I'll just tell him to relax - its natural. And your kids get a free lesson on me (for a few minutes anyhow).

My 2 cents.
I say ROCK ON unless there are kids around. If you are are daring and bold enough to "rock" on a summit then so be it. I just think people should be aware that there are kids that hike these hills and should act accordingly. I mean when nature calls you gotta answer the phone.;) Not that I would ever do such a thing.

Sorry, but I am guilty. I have "gotten busy" on top of mountains. Seems like hiking just brings that animal out of me. I was on Garfield (at the tentsite) a few weeks ago and two birds were doing the dirty thing in front of my tent as I was approaching. Cute little things kinda got me in the mood.
I'm guilty as well.:D

Although I didn't have a partner... Hey it was a hell of a sunset!!

To quote Seinfeld once again, "I was King of the Castle."

Did I just say that out loud?!?

Classic, Jaytrek57. A variation on Rodney Dangerfield's old joke: Boy, the first time I had sex, was I ever scared! What the hell, I was all alone.
There is a small hill at the mouth of the Little Sur River and the Pacific. My girlfriend and I climbed it at dawn and came upon another couple making love in a sleeping bag. We just backed down the hill. Heck, they thought of it first.
BTW, is it actually illegal to sleep on a summit in the Whites?
Miehoft- I hope you mean the Garfield Tent Site, and not on the actual summit of Garfield. Camping on the summit is strictly forboden.

I meant the tentsite, thanks. I have the rules memorized, and although I do break them from time to time, I also try to respect them when possible. No reason to ever camp on Garfield since the site is so close, but I did set up a tarp on Davis one time due to exhaustion and nightfall. No big deal, eh? I was out of there early and I slept on rock.

I am sorry. I have been a bad boy. Please spank me.