Trail Conditions for Numerous High Peaks in the ADK's

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I spent a week hiking in the High Peaks and am posting the trail condtions I ran into. Some are over a week old but hopefully the info could be of use to hikers. All trip reports and pics can be found here

June 2nd: Street & Nye: the trails are easy to follow the whole way. I took my boots off for the Indian Pass Brook crossing, water was just about a foot deep in spots between rocks. Trails up to Street and Nye past cairn that marks the split had some annoying small blowdowns and step-overs but trail was not hard to follow

June 3rd: Wright, Algonquin, Iroquois, Marshall: Trails in awesome shape to Wright and Algonquin. Path to Iroquois easy to follow, narrow in places and has some pretty awful mud, one mistep here or there and you're going in a foot so make sure your boots are tied on good!

June 4th: Great Range (Marcy - Rooster Comb): Phelps Trail, State Range, ADK Range, and trails through to Rooster Comb were pretty dry and in great shape. Scrambles up Saddleback were fun!

June 5th: Cascade and Porter: Cascade Trail was in pretty good shape with very little mud, nice easy trail with tons of people hiking on it and having fun.

June 6th: Dial, Nippletop, Colvin, Blake: Henry Goddard Leach Trail was in good shape, one or two minor step-overs along the way to Basin from Bear Den. Trail up to Colvin and over to Blake was muddy in spots but holding up well. Trails over Fish Cliffs and Indian Head had some minor mud but in fine shape.

June 7th: Dix Range: Cairn marking path up to Macomb easy to spot right after foot bridge. Path up to and then onto slide was in great shape, up at the top of the slide you can go under and to the right of the big overhanging rock or bypass to the left and around it and paths meets back up. Path from Macomb to South Dix is easy going. Along the way their is a cairn marking the spot for the Lillian Brook herd path. Path over to East Dix is easy to follow but is narrow here and there (watch out for the arm scratching branches!) Path over to Hough from South Dix starts off thick but then becomes better and is easy to follow. Up to the Beckhorn and Dix the path gets steep, rougher, and a little overgrown but once again it's still easy to follow. Beckhorn and Hunter Pass Trail back to car are in great shape most of the way. Hunter Pass is wet and muddy between Slide Brook Lean-to and trailhead, one big blowdown about a half mile from trialhead.

Jun 8th: Phelps & Table Top: South Meadow Road is open, hiked in via the truck trail and loved it! Van Hoe Trail and Phelps trail are in fine shape. Path up to Table Top is marked by a cairn which is easy to spot, trail is in ok shape its rough with wet and muddy spots.

June 9th: Redfield & Cliff: Stayed at the Uphill Brook Lean-To, came in from Lake Arnold Trail which was pretty wet and muddy but easy to follow. Cairn for the Redfield/Cliff herd path are on opposite side of where you head to the lean-to. about a few hundred feet later you reach the cairn marking the split for Redfield (left) and Cliff (Right). Trail up to Redfield was rough and rugged but alot of fun and easy to follow. Trail up to cliff has some of the worst mud I've ever encountered at the beginning of the trail and just past the cliffs, Cliff's Cliffs were lots of fun!

June 10th Gray, Skylight, Marcy, Haystack: Gray Path cairn is easily noticable at Lake Tear of the Clouds. Path up to Gray is wet and muddy but easy to follow. Trail up to Skylight was running water from all the rain but easy going. Headed up to Marcy and over to Haystack lots of running water on the trails below treeline. Hiked out viw Shorey's Short Cut and Phelps Trail, muddy and wet in spots but otherwise in fine shape!

Name: Chris

Email: [email protected]