A day hike, the Presidentials and near fall


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Aug 27, 2004
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Gorpburp and I went up this past week for some peakbagging/backpacking. We got off to an early start on the Fourth from CT and made good time to the North Twin Trail head. It was a quick trip up. We stopped for a mountain meal of PBJs at the summit and blackflies maade a meal of us. We saw most hikers heading down. There were forcasts for thunderstorms that day. Our eyes were on the skies. No rain until that night.

We stayed in Shapliegh so that we would not miss a shuttle to Appalacia. We spotted the car at the Mt Clinton Road lot. On the way we saw a moose on the side of the road. This two night backpack trip was Gorpburps first with his new backpack (LOwe Alpine with bells and whistles) We went up the Airline trail. Great views great weather. Coming to Madison hut we dropped our packs to go up the .5 miles. Near the top Gorpburp lost his footing and toppled over, shoulder first onto a large slab rock. He was about to make another roll that would have dropping three to four feet head first onto some jagged corners when I was able to catch his leg and secure him. He took my arm and was on his feet in a second. He was able to see how close he had come to a serious injury. He was a bit unnerved and we took a few moments.

Thoughts are running through my head...the first aid kit is donw in the hut...I have nothing to put on him to keep him warm....if something did happen I would have to hold C-spine until help came to coller and board him properly(fortunatly there was a couple at the top who could have dropped to the hut for help) I will now say I will never drop my equipment again. Although a fall like this could happen on the rocks on the ocean or the concrete rubble of an old buuilding, help would be faster in coming.

We got back to the hut...took our time with a snack and then went up Adams. He seemed to have collected himself and was sure footed for the rest of the trip. We made it to the Perch for a great sunset and good night. We woke up with a Bicknell's Thrush singing. We spent the day climbing Jefferson, Monroe, and Ike. We stopped for soup at Lakes. We dropped down the Mt Eisenhauer Trail to the Dry River. The trail is brushy near the top. Once at the river we met a Forest Service Trail Crew that had been working in the area. We found a god spot, ate, then hung a bear bag.

Next day we headed up Isolation West to Davis, It was very thick and brushy, some of the blow downs had been clear some were still there. We made Isolation for some good views. On the way down we came across the trail crew on Isolation Trail. We picked up the Dry River Cutoff to Mizpah then down Crawford. We had a nice wildlife sighting at Fabyans. There was a young dumpster bear looking at everyone.

This trip was #38-#44 for our NH 4K. We will hit Garefield on the 23Jul and Passaconoway /Whiteface on the 24th. The final 48 is Washington on the 30th. I must say it has been a fun goal!! I have seen my son grow in many different ways. I think any kid would chose a hike over a video game or TV if given the chance.
Way to go on 38-44! Sounds like a wonderful trip! I was recently on the Isolation West trail and I'm still recovering from all the scrathces and scrapes from the blowdowns.

Best of luck on #48 on Washington!
