North Percy Peak camping

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Jun 23, 2009
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Has anyone, or does anyone have any advice on campsites (other than the Percy Camp Site) right on or about right on the North Percy Summit. Never been up there, not sure how much scrub, trees, flats etc. there might be. Feel free to PM me. Thanks.
Lots of flat ledge on or near the summit, careful around the vegetation.
There is no legal overnight camping in the Nash Stream forest, which includes the Percy's. One of the major downsides of the acquisition of the property by the state many years ago.
Oh yea, lame! Except, obviously, if you hike in on the Coos and stay at the Percy Campsite? Like say via the Old Summer Club trail with your vehicle parked out of the NSF?
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It look like you now can camp near the summit so my blanket statement is no longer correct. I dont have a current map so I cant determine how close the new campsite is to the summit.

The Cohos Trail Association developed the new Percy Loop Camp off the Percy Loop Trail on the north flank of North Percy Peak in the Nash Stream Forest in 2004. Complete with a tent platform and Composting latrine.

I dont see where a hiker parks or starts their hike as relevant to where they can or cant legally camp in Nash Stream. Maybe Tdawg can elaborate. I searched the CT website and nowhere do I see a blanket exemption to the no camping rules in Nash Stream for CT thruhikers with the exception of the Percy campsite. Given the period of time it took to get this one campsite in that area, a responsible hiker would not want jeopardize the CT's continued use of Nash Stream by making their own exceptions to where they can or cant camp but ultimately it guess its someones sense of entitlement.
Well I was just mentioning the car parking thing because while en route to hiking the Percy's recently, I think I saw a sign on the Nash Stream road that said something to the effect of, "No overnight parking." Maybe I'm wrong.

Which led me to believe you may have to be on an extended backpack (Coos Trail) to camp at Percy Loop, be willing to hike in from the Christine Lake area or elsewhere, or be dropped off/picked up.

BTW, I went by the Percy Loop campsite on the way down. One tent platform that could fit two-two person tents. And a bit of room on the ground for a couple more tents. The water source stream was flowing well two weeks ago.
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I got an email from Kim Nilsen who said the Percy Loop Camp is about one mile from the North Percy summit and available to all on first come first serve, so looks like that will work fine for our purposes! :)

Not to be a nag, but for searching and all that jazz, it is actually called the Cohos trail, not the Coos trail.
Nash Stream Forest just happens to be my favorite areas in NH. Hope you enjoy!