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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
There's been heavy, wet snow in Franconia @ 1200' since about 2 p.m. Trees and fields are white with .5 to 1" accumulation. It will probably continue into tomorrow. Nothing unusual for late April, of course.

Rivers are raging after heavy rain yesterday, last night and this morning, plus snowpack melt.
You're not the only area to get snow. Jay Peak will be open this weekend as a result of it.
5 inches of snow fell at Zealand hut, and I can only imagine how much fell on the Twinway, maybe 10 inches or so. That is pretty impressive for days before May. It is not nice in the White Mountains right now, 2-10 inches of wet snow covering everything and flooding rain flowing down from every elevation. Mount Washington got 7.1 inches of snow. -Mattl
Snow-free at 1600 feet in Waterville Valley

We got home from a two-week trip to CA late last night to find the valley floor completely snow-free and the Mad River raging. A quick peek up Tripoli Road as I left town this morning showed almost entirely bare pavement as far as I could see, which was admittedly not that far.

I gather it did snow (hardish) yesterday afternoon, but it didn't stick around. Osceola and the very top of Tecumseh were glazed a pretty white this AM.
grouseking said:
I woke up to random, fat snowflakes coming down. :)


Same conditions on Black Mtn yesterday and I caught myself thinking, isn't that pretty? until I recoiled in horror at the thought of winter making a comeback.
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
About half an inch of new snow above 3500 ft on Whiteface yesterday, but Blueberry ledges easily negotiated.

How was the rest of that trail?
Looking around at the awesome view from snowless ..with flurries..south moat you could see fresh snow in all directions at what I would guess was 3500 feet..Washington and southern presis socked in but I will bet they will be glowing white in next sunny day
rocket21 said:
How was the rest of that trail?

I was able to bare boot the entire route, with some kicking of steps in snow above 3000 ft. But, never pulled the snowshoes or Microspikes off my pack. There is the usual water ponding on the flats above the lower ledges, which can be easily circumvented on either side.
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
I was able to bare boot the entire route, with some kicking of steps in snow above 3000 ft. But, never pulled the snowshoes or Microspikes off my pack. There is the usual water ponding on the flats above the lower ledges, which can be easily circumvented on either side.

Good to know, thank you!