Displaying geotagged photos with tracks


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Mohamed Ellozy

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VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Brookline, MA
OK, I have gone on a hike, recorded a track on my GPSr, taken some pictures, and back home I have geocoded them with GPicSync. I now want to show the world both my pictures and the track of my hike.

With Picassa Webalbums I can show the pictures on a map, such as a a few photos on Mount Tecumseh. But I would like to show my track in addition to the map and photos.

Right now I have found a site that seem to fit this need: EveryTrail. Does anyone here have any experience with it or with any other?
I hadn't seen EveryTrail before but it actually looks great. The Half Dome hike that came up as the default was lots of fun to follow as well (getting psyched for Yosemite next summer).

The other one that I've used is Backpacker.com (which uses the Trimble Outdoors site for this feature).

Thanks for the pointer to GPicSync too. Hadn't seen this one and it looks pretty good. Will have to give it a try next week...
I have used Wikiloc for about two years now and like it very much. Finding and viewing tracks in Wikiloc is facile. I have never had a problem uploading my tracks or downloading other peoples tracks. Once downloaded they can be viewed in my Mapsource software and then analyzed. I takes a while to upload photos.

I just spent half an hour or so with the EveryTrail and cannot view the downloaded tracks with Mapsource. It seems more difficult to find tracks I am interested in in EveryTrail though I may just not be familiar with the interface. uploading photos and viewing is faster using EveryTrail than Wikiloc. There seems to be many more tracks on Wikiloc.

I did not like the Backpacker.com and gave up on it when I found the Wikiloc.
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I have used Wikiloc for about two years now and like it very much. ... It takes a while to upload photos.
I also use Wikiloc now, though it does not integrate the photos with the track very well.

Just a comment on the slow uploads ... I do not upload to Wikiloc, but to either Picassa Web Albums or, if I want it on Google Earth, to Panoramio. Then alll I have to do in Wikiloc is copy the URL of the photo.

I seem to live in a very Googly world ;) ... Picassa and GPicSync to manage photos on my desktop, Google Earth to see the track plus photos (kml file produced by GPicSync), Piacassa Web Albums and Panoramio online, Gmail to send pictures (links) to friends (automatically from within Picassa Albums) ... still use Firefox as my main browser, though.
Not exactly a public service, but I have created my own map routine using the Google Map API (which is publicly available and free, and no ads).

Here's an example of what I put together for my bushwhack to Peaked Mountain (high point of Aroostook County, Maine) this past August: Peaked Mtn Map

There are two little "buttons" at the top under the title: one turns on the track log, the other turns on the way-points I had put into my GPS in preparation for the bushwhack. The map control in the upper right switches to the usual views (road map, topo, satellite, etc.). If you switch to "Satellite" and then switch on the track log and way-points, you'll see the logging road I followed and the bushwhack route.

It's also pretty simple to embed the map into a web site, if you have experience putting together an HTML page. Here an example of one I'm working on: Trip report with map embedded

If you click on the button which says "Show Map", under the photo at the start of the trip report, it shows one of my maps in place of the photo. This particular map has no track log, (just points of interest) but it's the same map routine so it could have a track log if I had added one into the data file that the map uses.

My current project is to create a universal template for my reports, so that a new report with maps, photos, track logs, etc. can be just "plugged into" the template and I'll have a finished report. This particular report is my prototype, so it's taken a good deal of work to put together, but as soon as I'm happy with the template, I can do some catching up and get some of my recent reports on-line.

These are for those who are hands-on programmer types (aka "geeks", like me - and I'm sure there are no other geeks on this site, no, certainly not :D ), but if anyone is interested in details, let me know. Or be shameless, just do a "show source" and steal the code.
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Not exactly a public service, but I have created my own map routine using the Google Map API (which is publicly available and free, and no ads).


These are for those who are hands-on programmer types (aka Geeks, like me), but if anyone is interested in details, let me know.
PB, I have been curious for a long time about the Google Maps API.

I am not a programmer, but years ago (20+ :eek:) I wrote a lot of C code, and can muddle my way with perl. With help from templates I even wrote a Javascript book time calculator.

Currently I embed Google Maps in my text by saving them on the Google site and using their tools to produce an ambedded map, see for example From Zinal to Hotel Schwarzhorn in Gruben.

How difficult would it be to do the same with the .kml file on my computer, and would I have additional customization options?

PB, I have been curious for a long time about the Google Maps API.

I am not a programmer, but years ago (20+ :eek:) I wrote a lot of C code, and can muddle my way with perl. With help from templates I even wrote a Javascript book time calculator.

Currently I embed Google Maps in my text by saving them on the Google site and using their tools to produce an ambedded map, see for example From Zinal to Hotel Schwarzhorn in Gruben.

How difficult would it be to do the same with the .kml file on my computer, and would I have additional customization options?

The difficulty would be getting up to speed, not laying the data onto the map. There are many tools in the API to take data from KML, XML and other structured data files and put the data on the map. But --- Google Earth does that too and some times by just dragging and dropping. The problem with that however is that YOU can see the maps but your friends can't. So I choose the API route so it could go on my web site (just a freeby site provided by Verizon, my service provider).

The language of the API is javascript - a very flexible OO language. If you're an old C programmer, you'll soon get to the point of saying "Wow, you mean they let you do THAT!". Unfortunately, greater flexibility in a programming language allows you many more ways to make mistakes.

I signed on to the Google API developer group (http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Maps-API?pli=1) and signed up for a map key (a character string that lets you serve maps from your web site - yes free, and no ads). Pretty soon I managed to get the "Hello World" sample map working, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I suggest you look at the source for my map linked above. If it's total gibberrish, then let it go. But if it looks like it makes sense and you have some time to put into it, follow through. Warning: that particular map routine has tons of special features that have accumulated over the last year or two, so what started out simple, is now getting a bit complex.

The best thing I did, was to change from a one-off map approach, to a general purpose routine driven by a data file. This increased the complexity and took a while to implement, but means that now I just need to add the data for a particular trip (somewhat equivalent to your KML files) and it's up and running.

So for example, when I decided that track logs would be nice to have, I used an pre-existing format for the set of latitudes and longitudes, and then wrote a function to put them on the map. Not as simple as Google Earth, but not too bad. Then subsequent track logs were just a matter of sticking the data into the map file, give it a name (like "Peaked Mtn track Log") and it's done.

As for embedding, I just stick them in an IFRAME (an HTML element) which is just what Google uses. So for example, if you move to the next section of my trip report and look at the first set of photos, (click here) you will see a link for "Driving Directions Google Map" at the bottom of the list of photos. Click on that - it's a real life embedded map which I got on-line and then clicked where it says "Link" at the top right of their map and used their code. In fact if you click on the Google Logo at the bottom left of that embedded map in my report, you'll get the original (UNembedded) Google Driving Directions. I believe that's exactly like what your sample does (where is that? Alps?).

But let's face it - part of the reason I like this approach is that I can spend my time creating my own thing (much like the 1000s of others out there doing their own thing). Google is smart - they have a product that is just right for each segment of the internet community. This API is for two niche groups of people: 1) geeks like me and 2) those who hope to make money by producing custom maps for customers (certainly not me, although I've been approached).
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PB, I have been curious for a long time about the Google Maps API.


Currently I embed Google Maps in my text by saving them on the Google site and using their tools to produce an embedded map, see for example From Zinal to Hotel Schwarzhorn in Gruben.

How difficult would it be to do the same with the .kml file on my computer, and would I have additional customization options?
This was posted a year ago, and yesterday I finally bit the bullet and downloaded Beginning Google Maps API 3 (Kindle Edition) (I do not have a Kindle but use the PC Kindle app). I am working through the book (slowly; it is a couple of decades since I coded regularly :eek:). I am doing that to understand the whole setup better, as I have found a simple way of displaying a kml file with the Google Maps API: KML and GeoRSS Layers. Check out the example they give and view the rather simple javascript, CSS and HTML needed to make the map.
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OK, I have gone on a hike, recorded a track on my GPSr, taken some pictures, and back home I have geocoded them with GPicSync. I now want to show the world both my pictures and the track of my hike.

With Picassa Webalbums I can show the pictures on a map, such as a a few photos on Mount Tecumseh. But I would like to show my track in addition to the map and photos.
I have found a way of creating a KMZ file with links to the photos plus track. Quite simple, in fact:

  1. Geotag the pictures with GPicSync
  2. Edit in Picassa on your desktop, and upload selected photos to Picassa Web Albums
  3. Under the small map on the web page click on "View in Google Earth". It will either display the photos in Google Earth or ask you where to save the KMZ file.
  4. Add your track to the photos file (I usually add an edited track rather than the raw one).
  5. Save photos plus track.
  6. Upload to a web server.

I have done this for my recent Brook Walk post, the KMZ file is here
Pretty much what I do, except my photos are hosted by the Gallery2 software. Other than that, the procedure is the same.