46R #5327 earns his "W"


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Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Congratulations to Phil Schlosser, a/k/a Pig Pen, for completing his winter 46 on Big Slide on March 13, 2005. On the summit, an intimate group of six hikers celebrated Phil’s accomplishment with the usual pomp and circumstance, including a bottle of bubbly. It was a beautiful day to finish. Congratulations again, Phil!
Thank you for the post Willie. It was great hiking with you on Big Slide. Was that a great butt slide or what? After spending the last few winter seasons mostly in the White Mountains and Maine this was the first winter that I went psycho in the Adirondacks and I have to say it was a blast. This VFTT forum was great resource in rounding up fellow hikers and getting rounded up by other hikers. I think I probably vultured some tracks on a couple of peaks and hopefully some others were able to vulture some tracks that I had a hand in setting. I love the Adirondacks and I will definitely be back for more very soon. I am also doing some Northeast 3000s and am way behind on the ADK 100! Cheers.
Phil S.
Hey Harry

That's me. I couldna done it without ya! I wanted to join you in the Sewards on the 19th but had a chance to go to Lowell and Anderson for an NH 100 bushwack on that day. Fell into spruce holes all day, had a blast :) but no beer :eek: . Maybe I will see you at the gathering in Stowe if not before.

Phil S.