Bonds Traverse

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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Epping, NH
Spent last weekend hiking the Bonds, Guyot, and the Twins. If you were out, you know what an excellent weekend it was to be in the Whites. Saturday was just incredible, and Sunday wasn't too bad either. If you want to see some cool photos from the Bonds (and my first attempt at making a Panarama photo) I have dropped a link below.


Excellent photos! It was great to meet up with you and VSA on top of South Guyot. A nice hike over the Twins to finish up a complete weekend of hiking for me. I'll put together a short trip report with my photos soon.

Nice! Mind if I boost your sunset picture and pass it off as my own? ;) I wasn't treated to such a great sunset on my trip! Love the panorama too!
Sweet shots. Looks like you guys had a great time. Did you carry a different growler for each peak or do you guys have to go back and do it again???

- d
Thanks for the compliments... it was a really great weekend. And you can boost my photos, but you do have to give me credit :) Does it count if I had 5 different beers at the Woodstock Station over the couse of the weekend? BTW - meeting up with John on Sunday gave me any idea. Maybe part of the VFTT list could be that you have to do each peak with a different VFTT-er.
Nice pictures, Chomp. It was a fabulous weekend wasn’t it. I always have to remind myself to take pictures. Fortunately I remembered to get some nice shots lately. Now if I’d just get to uploading and sharing some.

PS – you shot (#6?) is listed as Loon and Scar Ridge – I think it’s actually Osceola’s and Scar Ridge
chomp said:
And you can boost my photos, but you do have to give me credit :)

That'd take all the fun out of it. :) How can I create one of those unreality blogs if I give credit? I already know where I can swipe a great shot of a bear to get me started. ;)

Seriously, loved the pics. Just jealous!
Thanks, Carole, you are right. Loon is actually just out-of-frame to the right. I thought that the ski-slopes were in that photo. And thanks for the confirmation on Osceola. I was looking at the mountain all day and I was fairly sure that was what I was looking at, but not positive.

Great photos. SherpaDon and I hiked the Bonds #46, #47, & #48 right before Memorial Day and I must admit, your pictures were a lot better than mine. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed them.

Great Pics. I think I spotted myself on the summit of Carrigain...