Calamity on Calamity (Long) - 8/2/07

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In the image of man
Okay, that might be an over-dramatization, but let's say, things didn't go according to plan. I generally don't write TR's anymore, unless there is something of interest or education, and this trip does qualify. We're up in Placid vacationing for the week and after a few hikes visiting old friends (46er hi-peaks), we thought we'd get in a HH peak. A few recent reports (written and verbal), spurred our (Nick and Mine) interest into hiking Calamity, via a slide on the SE side.

Ordinarily, it's about a 7 mile walk in up the "Hanging Spear" trail to get to the jump off spot, but thanks to the generosity of a good friend with club access, we were able to drive to within a mile of the jump-off spot. From there it's a paltry .85 miles bushwhacking/slide-climbing to the summit. Okay, it's a steep .85 (to the tune of just under 1600' climbing), but still for a couple seasoned bushwhackers like us, no sweat :rolleyes: . We would go up the slide, then either come back down the other side, or back down the slide, whatever we wanted. We had good beta and we're told to expect a leisurely 5-6 hour day. Scheduling issues had us hiking on August 2, 2007, quite possibly the hottest day of the year so far. The high temp in nearby Newcomb officially registered 91 degrees (1 shy of the record). However, my Kestrel 3000 was pinned between 92.5-93.5 all day. Not exactly prime bushwhacking/slide climbing temps. Oh well, no matter, sometimes life is like that.

By the time we'd made the drive back in there and were ready to go it was 10:30 AM. Me and Nick had gone over, pretty extensively, the signs for heat exhaustion and promised to monitor each other closely. The sweat was pouring off us just putting the packs on and getting started. Once we got on the trail towards the Opalescent and in the woods, it was better and we made quick time, and we soon found ourselves at the river. The recent dry spell made the crossing easy and before we knew it we're in the woods on the other side. Now things got interesting.

All we had to do was climb several hundred feet and side-slope to the right to reach the slide track. Once in the woods, which at 2200' were surprisingly thick with conifers, it was stifling, energy draining, HOT. It was too thick to zip out our pants and the dead air made for real slow progress. This side of the mountain is so steep that there was tons of dead fall, leaning downslope and the side-sloping was agonizingly slow and tiring. Finally, more than an hour (yeah, really) from leaving the car, we popped out onto the slide track about 100 up from the bottom. A long rest and hydration was in order, as we were both drenched and dirty.

The lower slide was a beauty. A wide ribbon of clean rock that was easy to climb and very grippy. It was about 400 vertical feet up to the first ledge. It was so nice to be out of the woods, but the rocks were steaming and there was only a whisper of a breeze to moderate the searing sun. We promised ourselves slow progress and many breaks. The views over to Cheney Cobble and the N. Rivers were stunning. Once you hit the ledge, you basically go back into the woods and have to follow grown over slide remnants and an (unfortunately) dry streambed. We did find one water spot we're we refilled (unfiltered). We were alarmed to find that we'd already gone through close to 2 Nalgene's each (2 hours into the hike).

We got a little off-course and had to correct left in the thick (seemed) woods, but eventually (at about 2850') we came out to the upper-slide. It's not really a slide at this point as much as it's a series of rock walls that must be negotiated. There seems to be two sides (a left and right) with a thick wooded section between them that acted as a bail-out to the really scary steep rocky parts. We took another long break in the trees before heading out. The rocks were fun and for comparison, I'd say they were steeper (with fewer handholds) then the Saddleback cliffs, with less exposure though. It was one of those experiences that you climb a section, then look back and say "Holy crap, I just climbed that". On any other day, it would be exhilarating. Today, both me and Nick were feeling a little "groggy" (him less then me). The only complaint was that the rocks were getting HOT and this was 4 pt. climbing. Great care was needed. Early on in the rocks, we both started to get that nagging, yet unspoken feeling in the back of our heads. Neither wanted to utter it aloud though.

The next pitch, I believe, was the steepest part of the rocks so far. As we kept climbing, each pitch required more thinking, more planning, just a bit more caution..... and in the back of our minds, still unspoken, a reverse plan on how to get back down them. We already separately decided that there was NO friggin way we were descending the other side. The thought of spending 2 hours slogging downhill, over blowdown IN THE WOODS in that heat was simply uncontemplatable. We both knew that everything we climbed, we'd have to down climb as well. With more care too.

At some point, we reached the top of one pitch and we're looking at another wall above us that looked like it might be the final pitch. I looked at the altimeter and were were at 3170', about 450 vertical feet below the summit. Looked at the watch and we'd been gone 3 hours. Taking stock, we both were mentally, physically okay and in good sprits (just hot and tired). So we'd done a good job moderating our efforts, but we were pretty spent and it had taken a LOOONG time to go .7 mile (~1400' feet). The summit was .2 miles and 450' above us. It was at least 1.5 hours away. We both were down to about 40 oz of water each with no way to resupply until well back down the mountain so we'd have to conserve hard from this point on. The Kestrel registered 93.6 degrees. I looked at Nick and he already knew what I was gonna say. The 16 y/o "I can overcome anything" in him registered mild protest but in the end we both knew the obvious. Turning back now, while physically in good enough shape to SAFELY get back down, was the more reasonable option than pressing on and putting ourselves in REAL danger of heatstroke, without water, with no safe way exit.

Once the decision was made, and our minds at ease...... We sat long on the rocks (close enough to the trees for shade) and gazed at what was out before us. The view was stunning. From Redfield, Allen, Cheney, the N. Rivers and beyond. It was breathtaking. After a while we got up and safely made our way back down. It got interesting in a few spots, but for the most part uneventful and quiet. We ended up following the slide track right down into the Opalescent flume, which required a nifty 35' shoot to the base and we found several deep (3'-5') pools. We couldn't get down to our skivvies fast enough. The cool water on our hot skin was just the tonic we needed to rejuvenate us.

There we were, a fit 16 y/o kid and his fat old man, in nothing but skivvies, splashing around in the cool rushing waters of the Opalescent flume with high 30-40' walls on either side of us in 93 degree heat. We were like 5 y/o's in a summer wave pool. It made the pain of not making the summit all the more easy to accept. After what seemed like forever, we got dressed and made our way back to our car a little more than 5 hours from first setting out.

All in all, both of us, despite the extreme conditions of the day, will look back on the day with fond memories. If not the heat and struggle, certainly the slide and swimming at the end. At 16, getting on 17, I know these days are probably numbered and soon all there will be is memories. But for now, I'll take what I can get, even an unsuccessful summit, so long as it's another day in the mountains with my favorite bushwhacking partner and best bud, Nick. I think he feels the same.

Besides, both of us look forward to making this hike on a reasonable weather day. It will actually not be that bad of a hike and we learned a great death that will help us out for next time.

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I've had 3 requests from VFTTers.

PLEASE don't post pictures of the middle aged balding guy in his skivvies. :eek: :eek:

And, from some of the women: "Would Tim please post swimming pictures of the 17 year old guy?" ;)

PLEASE let us know when the downstream water will be again safe for humans and wildlife to drink. :eek:

Tim, great trip report, but thats why Calamity is better in the winter.
Nice report, Tim. Always a tough decision to turn-around, but definitely the right call.

The thing that strikes me the most about a lot of your trip reports is the wonderful bond that you and Nick share. Nick is a great kid. When we hiked together last year, I noticed how you two have that thing going on where you both seem to know what the other is thinking. And it is really cool that you both have a lot of respect for each other. You two are best friends, and at the end of the day, that is the most important thing. It seems like too many parents these days are too selfish to spend time with their kids, and they don't seem to realize, or care, that someday the kids will be gone.

Btw, nice pics too. In the photo that you labeled "Another view from the slide", is that Rist Mtn behind North River?

You made a great point that I forgot to mention in the ribbing.

Nick is a great kid. You're lucky to have him still doing this kind of stuff at this point in his life. Often we lose them to other lures at this stage, and hope to reel them back in when they are completely grown. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Count the blessings and days you have.

My son did a lot of hiking from the time he was small. Then sleepovers, sports, high school sports, school, girls, college. He still likes to hike, but its occasional. He joined Spencer and on on a MacNasty 'whack last year. Hot, buggy, humid and thick in places. Still one of the best hiking days of my life to have him out with us.

Enjoy it and hope it goes forever.
i12climbup said:
Btw, nice pics too. In the photo that you labeled "Another view from the slide", is that Rist Mtn behind North River?

Yes, that is Rist.

Thanks for the kind words about Nick, both you and Alan. We do share a bond. It goes beyond hiking, it really does. We enjoy each others company. I have a similar relationship with my daughter I'm pleased to say. We're so much alike though, it's a bit more tumultuous but still close and special in other ways.

I'm under NO illusion with Nick though. He already well into the chicks, his swimming is going amazingly well and requires intense training. I now sometimes "have to, sorta" talk him into coming (never used to). Once out in the woods though, there is no denying, his passion and sense of discovery rivals any adult I've met.

I'm sure many of you have been there too.

Thanks for posting, Tim. Good to read the report and share the experience. I've really lucked out and only had a couple hot/humid outings in the 46s. I'd say that being on a rock slide was probably the worst place to be.

That said, man... could it end any better? Did you know that the cooling water reward was waiting?? THAT would have given me much more drive on a hike like that!

PS - no way my skivvies would have gotten wet out in the middle of nowhere!
Great report, Tim. Having been up that route a month ago I can only cringe to think of those scrappy sections with an extra 20+ degrees to deal with. When you get high on the slide and you are suddenly surrounded by huge cliffs like some ancient ramparts it is truly as impressive an Adirondack mountain experience as you can get. Did you climb high enough to gain the spot when a notch opens up with a view of Marcy's crown? If not, keep your eyes peeled for it when you return.

Good decision, and you did at least experience the best part of the climb to Calamity. (Well, second best next to the camaraderie with your son!) Above the slide it gets horrendous for ten minutes before everything opens up again. Wouldn't have been pretty under those conditions.

And though I haven't met your son (or briefly), I've heard only great things about him. I echo the chorus that you two have many more hikes to share together. As for your return to Calamity, I do not recommend dropping down to Flowed Lands on the way out!

Nice pics, as well. Not as washed a sky as I would have thought.
Here's the link to pics from 7-3. Just so you can see others suffering as well!

You'll get it next time!
Thanks Doc -

This -PICTURE- of yours is a perfect illustration of the rocks we had to scale up (and return down). As for the route, we followed your route (logically since our beta came from your partner ;) ). We missed on the Marcy cone, but musta been real close. We we under the last 150' pitch, so we missed the "special" snowfence blockade awaiting us at the top of the slide. Beleive it or not, it was in my mind near the end. Having been there, you can apprieciate how that middle "bail out" thick vegitation really is small consolation for the open slabs.

I expect to be back to Calamity real soon. I relish the thought of being back on those rocks (just in better weather).

bubba -

Actually we just wanted to follow the slide base out to see if there is a logical exit, or better (easier) access for next time. There is........... so next time we can skip the crappy side-sloping on the way in. We had to shimy into the gorge but even that was kinda fun. The pools looked so enviting in that heat, the swim was a forgone conclusion. As for the skivvies, me and Nick may be as tight as a father/son hiking team as can be, but we weren't into a father/son skinny dip among the rocks. :eek: He's 16 and a little modest.
Tim -
From your hundreds of excellent posts, trip reports and otherwise through the years, this one tops 'em all. Those of us reading were right there with you. Especially poignant is the bittersweet feeling of savoring the adventure with Nick, knowing there aren't that many left. This account is right up there with stuff Burnside wrote about climbing with his sons - maybe better.
And yes, congratulations on recognizing you were whipped in that brutal heat and saving the top for another day.