Have you tried the REI Bug Hut?


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We have an older, two-person MSR Bug Hut. Looks indentical to the REI 2-Person Bug Hut. I thought this MSR design was sold to Moss, but if it's REI branded, then I'm probably mistaken.

We mostly use it as an ancillary shelter at base camps, or for kayak trips to the Outerbanks in the summer. It's great for eating dinner, reading, or relaxing if the bugs are out in force. We also throw extra bags in there during the day if we don't want to leave stuff in the car at a trailhead. It would make a good, lightweight shelter for backpacking, but...

If you can find the fly for it, it certainly doesn't provide full coverage. It's more like a cap. (There's a single pole that gets tied in under tension perpendicular to the long direction. This gets layed over the top, secured with velcro loops at either end, then staked out on the four corners.)

I wouldn't trust this tent in any sort of high winds, although it is pretty flexible and can absorb a lot of torsion without breaking down. (Don't ask me how I know this.)

All in all, great for light conditions or as a second place to hang out, but if there's heavy rain or wind, I don't think it would provide any real protection.

Hope this helps,
Looks pretty decent ...

I like that bug hut.

On a recent BP trip when I was getting bombed by skeeters, I jammed my hiking pole in the ground near my head and drapped mosquito net right down to my toes. It worked like a champ.

... just another idea if you're in a pinch.
I currently own the Black Diamond Lighthouse (weighs in at 3lbs. 10 oz.) but am just thinking of my options. I also have the vestibule but haven't really needed it yet.

It's lightweight, but not quite the weight of a Bughut. Too many things to buy and not enough money. I will check out the 2-person one when I go to pick up my new sleeping bag. May not be worth the 1 lb savings.

PhillyGeo: Nice rack! Sorry, I just had to say that. Please don't hate me. ;)

I have the Bug Hut 1 and love it, it paid for itself on the very first night when Batman was swatting mosquitoes hunkered down in his 30° bag when it was 75° out.

I modified mine though, so I have a foot frame as well, so I don't need to be inside the sleeping bag to have the netting not touching me.

In the spring and summer I'll always have it with me.