high gas prices and hiking


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OK, I'll admit - gas prices will influence my hiking plans as one part of the equation. I also believe that the experiences I get from hiking are priceless so if I have to I could always go back to bus travel, train, bike, or hitchhiking. Hey, there are options, you know?

I've always been fairly conscientious of my driving habits. I dislike being wasteful of time/gas/money/environment, etc. Higher gas prices will make it even more unattractive for me to drive to the whites or Maine for the weekend. Living in NYC makes hiking in NJ, PA, or the Catskills even more attractive since they're closer and gas is cheaper. As I said before, though, gas is only part of the equation.

The rest of the world is growing and uses more gasoline and oil products than ever before. American now competes for the oil that's being taken out of the ground in all locations. It's really more about supply and demand than politics.
If you look at useage rates, you'll see Asia, Europe, and many other countries now useing much more oil reserves than ever before. This means less supply for us.

I would still go hiking at $5.00/gal. I would go hiking with the last $5.00 dollars to my name. After that, i'd HAVE to hike.

Mike G.
maineguy said:
Of course, if you pay NH real estate taxes, then you think everything is cheap by comparison.

Wow, did I stumble into the libertarian website?

Well, I s'pose NH RE taxes are higher than elsewhere (NH is famous for its tax&spend liberals!) -- but it helps to remember that these are generally houses, not trailers, many of our roads are paved, and my kids stand an excellent chance of learning to read when they go to school here. :D

Yeah, gas is still relatively inexpensive compared to many other things people use every day -- even though it costs more than it used to.

Do I want to pay more? Nope.

But back on topic: will the price of gasoline effect when and where I hike? No. Time remains the most dear resource.
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Wow this went kinda off tract. sorry Darren.

Bob, "Free State Project" is a Libertarian movement in which "they" will have 20,000 Libertarian move to a state and with voting numbers "try" to take it over politically. Lucky for New Hampshire, we were selected.

After reading Bobs post, maybe the free time issue is more of a problem then the gas prices. RT to the Whites is 4 hrs. I can drive, hike (and wander) and be back home from Monadnock in that time.

However blaming the lack of peak bagging on gas prices sounds a lot better then blaming it on spending time with my family.
Thanks, Brian (BTW miss your old picture -- you inspired mine).

I was just wondering what was ironic about there being libertarians in NH in light of Maineguy's compaints (I think) about various forms of taxation.

You're right, if I had more opportunity and time to hike, I would probably feel the gas pinch more there. Since I commute to work (small car/carpool), that's where the gas prices hit me full in the face.
The price of fuel will not deter me from hiking. after all gas, a parking pass and a drive by breakfast is about all hiking costs after equipment is bought. which brings me to my next point! although I do not argue that fuel prices are getting extreamly out of control, I just figured out that my large coffee or tea from DD works out to be roughly $10.80 per gallon:( now that is way out of control! LOL. But also puts things in perspective. Boots:D