I lived about five years near Salida. The 14ers.com page has a 13ers section. Look at the Sawatch, Mosquito, and Ten Mile Ranges. Out of St Elmo you can hike CDT Collegiate West which is all alpine and runs over 12 k. Also Tin Cup Pass above there has Tincup Peak and Emma Burr and more if you continue along the Divide and are pretty straightforward. Fitzpatrick runs south of Tincup Pass at the divide but a little more route finding. Cottonwood Pass has some easier 13k with Turner Peak and Jones above Ptarmigan Lake.
There are easier 13ks from The top of Loveland Pass too.
Closer to Salida easy access to 12ers from Monarch Pass in either direction on the CDT.
I put my blog link hiking page here. Scroll down to Colorado. Tons of hikes that are in the area that I did in the Salida-Leadville area with lots of 13ers