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May 13, 2004
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I am planning a trip to the Dix Range. On my previous trips I have never found the herdpath to Hough. I'd appreciate suggestions on whether to get to Hough from Dix, or Grace, and how to best find the path.

Later this summer I plan to return for a few days, and would also like suggestions on whether to hike the Sewards or Santanonis.

I think the easiest way to tackle the Dix Range is to start at Elk Lake and follow the state trail all the way through Hunters Pass and up to the summit of Dix. Follow the trail south to The Beckhorn. There is yellow paint on the rocks that will lead you back down to the state trail from The Beckhorn, but don't follow them! The herd path drops off the opposite side of The Beckhorn. Just orient your map with the landscape and it will be obvious which way you'll have to go. Hough is the one with the slides, Macomb is that distant one with the funny rippling top.

It's a steep descent off The Beckhorn at first, but scratches on the rocks will reassure you that winter hikers and their crampons have been this way before. Follow the herd path to the summit of Hough, then on to South Dix/Carson, East Dix/Grace, back to South Dix/Carson, then retrace your steps a short—very short—distance back toward Hough, and you'll see the left turn for Macomb, which will drop off the bare back side of South Dix/Carson into the woods in the col and then climb up Macomb. Take the path down Macomb, down the slide, then pick up the herd path at the bottom which should deliver you back to the state trail right near the Slide Brook lean-to.

I've done it twice this way and it's one of my all-time favorite hikes. First time was just under 12 hours, solo. Next time was a little over 12, I think, with a companion. She wore out the seat of her pants going down the slide, but you can probably stay on your feet. I did, (stayed on my feet, I mean, even when a bowling ball-sized rock rolled against my ankle) though it is steep.

Wear a hat to protect your head as you push through the brush which often blocks your view of the path. In the Hough/Pough col, go straight through the campsite. You may have to bull your way forward until you pick up the path again.
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there is a trail that goes up the beckhorn as you are going to hunters pass. it is a little steeper but about .7 miles shorter. as said before, once you get to the beckhorn the trail to hough is just to the south or "right" as you get to the top of the beckhorn. It is pretty easy to follow and out and back adds about 700-800 feet of additional climbing. do not try to go down lilian brook path to get home becouse I've herd it is filled with blowdown. The lilian brook leanto is pretty nice with a stream nearby for water if you plan on overnighting it.
You can't miss the trail from Dix to Hough. It follows a very narrow ridge between the two. As Raymond stated, the trail is on the east side of the large rock that is the Beckhorn.
If you do come from Macomb, keep an eye peeled for the tunoff for 'Pough" and Hough. At the top of the open rocks on Carson (S.Dix), there is a small cairn marking the turn to Hough and the turn to Grace(E.Dix).If you're enjoying the views too much, you may not notice it.
The five Dixes make for a very long, but very satisfying day. Likewise the Santanoni range; you can't go wrong with either.
Request for Assistance - Hough

Thanks for all the help!

I believe I'll ascend via the Yellow "Beckhorn Trail" rather than the Red "Hunters Pass" On the map it appears that the Yellow Trail goes over the Beckhorn (although it goes over the east side vs the west side) It also seems like 300 meters between the summit of the beckhorn and the summit of dix (although there's considerable change in elevation).

When coming via the Yellow Trail, how far north of the Beckhorn/South of Dix is the junction w/ the herdpath to Hough? Is it indicated by a cairn or sign? If anyone has a GPS coordinate for the junction, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again for all the help

The herd path from the Beckhorn toward Hough is just an unmarked path that follows the top of a narrow ridge. Although the path splits, all paths will soon merge to follow the narrow ridge toward Hough - you can't miss it.
Yeah, the Beckhorn itself is pretty small, so you don't have much of an area to search. Just look down and you should see a little dirt patch which marks the beginning of the herd path. I had more trouble spotting it my second time up there than I did my first, but once you're on it there won't be any doubt about it.

There are about a half dozen good drops in the first hundred yards or so, so if you're short you may have a little trouble getting down, but just keep reminding yourself that thousands have done it before.

Lower down, there are frequent splits in the path, but they all rejoin within a short distance.

The way I remember it, the path to Macomb from South Dix/Carson splits off about 20 feet before the summit of South Dix/Carson, which was marked by a ribbon in a tree in September 2003. There's no real view at the actual summit, but there's a nice one just beyond.

East Dix/Grace has an open summit, and it's at least an hour round trip (with the inevitable break to enjoy the view, closer to 90 minutes) from South Dix/Carson.
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you wont even notice the climb from the beckhorn to dix it is so gradual. I climbed the beckhorn, went to hough first then came back to the beckhorn. Thats about 4000 feet of climbing. when I climbed over to dix summit it was easy. I then went home by hunters pass to see what it was like (I might not ever get this chance again).