Large slow steps, or small fast steps?

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This is a good question to consider. My default mode of ambulation is a long stride at a fast pace, be it street or singletrack. Even on rocky rooty trails I tend to stay with the long stride. As the grade steepens I will still keep strides long and am almost lunging, what I think of as "powerhiking" as I swing my arms to push myself along.
However, when trailrunning as opposed to hiking, short rapid steps feel much more efficient especially when going up hills.
Over a long day though varying stride and pace helps relieve muscles - hell for me would be a flat unvarying trail marathon.
Thanks for everyone's great responses. I have lots to experiment with next time I'm out on the trails!
I have a mix of both, I tend to lenghten my stride up hill which make for less steps. It also tends to work on the terrian too. I have found that side by side on the same hill I take half as many steps as my hiking partner then on flat ground we are about equal.