Local Climber Dies in Gym Fall


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Danger is not a binary (yes or no), it's relative. Arguing about "is activity X dangerous" without a point of comparison is a waste of time. It usually just means that two people each have different comfort thresholds.
There's a Gandalf quote that applies: "Even Sam is dangerous in his way."

Anyway, anecdata time: I've got at least as many bad-climbing-gym-fall stories as bad-outdoor-fall stories. But given that I spend way more time in indoor gyms than climbing outdoors, I'd say outdoor climbing is more dangerous.
Danger is not a binary (yes or no), it's relative. Arguing about "is activity X dangerous" without a point of comparison is a waste of time. It usually just means that two people each have different comfort thresholds.
There's a Gandalf quote that applies: "Even Sam is dangerous in his way."

Anyway, anecdata time: I've got at least as many bad-climbing-gym-fall stories as bad-outdoor-fall stories. But given that I spend way more time in indoor gyms than climbing outdoors, I'd say outdoor climbing is more dangerous.
Thank you for agreeing. I stated this earlier in the thread: “Yes it is bizarre but to say climbing in a gym is not dangerous is not entirely true IMO. It may be less dangerous than say free soloing El Cap but it is not in absence of inherent dangers”. It’s the lawyers that would have to be convinced still.
Thank you for agreeing. I stated this earlier in the thread: “Yes it is bizarre but to say climbing in a gym is not dangerous is not entirely true IMO. It may be less dangerous than say free soloing El Cap but it is not in absence of inherent dangers”. It’s the lawyers that would have to be convinced still.
I used to tell my climbing partners, "Remember, Gravity is not your friend!!!!"
Sadly even the best lose focus. Not saying I am anywhere near the best (far from it) Like many, I had a close call. I was High Steel Staging Crew on the Stones 1989 Steel Wheels Tour. We were in Foxboro maybe around Labor Day (?) setting up the stage. I'm thinking Labor Day because I remember massive fireworks in the Harbor as we pulled into Boston.
Anyways, the stage was about 117' high and it took us about 3 days to set it up. As we moved up the stage while building, I had a habit of clipping in and then falling back on my 3' webbing/harness and letting it catch me and relaxing for a minute while awaiting a section of ledger to be passed up. Well, someone dropped a hammer about 50' and there was a lot of cussing below. As I was watching that drama unfold, I thought I was clipped in and as I started to lean back, my carabiner and webbing fell down past my leg. I instinctively grabbed the rail, just catching it and pulled myself in. I stood there trembling for what seemed like 5 minutes. I still remember the sick feeling in my stomach and the weakness in my legs, looking down 50-60', thinking how quickly it could have ended.
God bless that young man who passed away.
Yikes! I was at that show!! The old Foxboro stadium I was in the last row and likely as high as the stage...I recall it being HUGE.