mountaintop coal removal

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Active member
Nov 22, 2004
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Somerville MA
I was down south a few weeks ago and picked some information about getting coal by taking the tops off of mountains and putting the fill in the drainages. You can check out this website for more information if you are
Save the mountains

Hamtero...this is a horrible story.
I was unaware this was going on but I will take action
now and get invloved.
Thanks for the information.
Re: mountaintop removal

Its an amazing method of mining thats been going on for some time, despite many legal challenges. In these days of wetland and floodplain regulation, courts have time and again upheld the exemption of the process. The WV Highlands Conservancy ( (sorry, haven't figured out how to make it active!) has a good discussion of the issue on their website in the section "mining matters" . As someone who deals regularly with EPA and COE regulations, I never cease to be astounded by how special interests manage to get themselves exempted from various environmental rules. (OK, enuff of the soapbox!)

(wow... it automatically hotlinked the site!! ain't technology grand when it works?!?)
The highpoint of KY was once on the hit list but the owner has agreed to preserve it.
You can take action

If you check the link you can easily send an e-mail to your congress person.
This (along with other incredible trasngressions) has been goin on a while and was covered in great depth in Bobby Kennedy's pre-2004-presi-election book. I would give the title but my post might get deleted as the title is quite political. It's a great read though, very eye opening, as is his weekly radio show.
If you check the link you can easily send an e-mail to your congress person.

If you are really serious about it, you should send a letter the old fashioned way. It carries far more weight then a ready-made hot link anyone-can-send-it-in-0.4-seconds e-mail.
