North and South Twin, Galehead Mt. 8/05

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Dec 13, 2005
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Georgetown MA
The weather was perfection, the trail conditions were excellent and the people I encountered on the trail were friendly and informative. All in all it was an awesome hike. Though the waters are high, the first two stream crossings on the North Twin Trail can be avoided by following the herd path leading up to the third crossing, which is quite doable with some careful rock hopping, caution and help from your hiking poles. After that it's all pretty gloriously straightforward.

The Twins has been one of the most enjoyable hikes I have taken so far. The cool temps and the clear fresh air provided the kind of vitality and motivation you welcome when hiking, especially when encountering the steep upper section of the North Twin trail. While at the North Twin summit it was a great pleasure meeting up with Jean and his friend Natalie, both from Montreal and great hikers. It was a fairly breezy day and, while standing at an outlook on NT, we spotted a glider swooping up and down as it gracefully traced the outline of the various peaks and valleys before us. At times the pilot seemed to come incredibly close to the terrain. At one point it flew directly overhead. This was indeed a great photo-op. Jean took several pictures. This reminds me; I should buy a camera.

Together we all continued up over to South Twin. The views from this peak are truly generous and spectacular, especially on such a beautiful day as this was. Here we stopped to relax and have some lunch. The temps were now getting cool so we had to dodge the winds while we ate. Afterwards I continued on down the steep col which seperates South Twin from Galehead Mountain. After resting a bit at the hut I joined a spontaneous company of hut guests for the brief but steep climb up Galehead. There is a rewarding outlook just before reaching the entirely wooded summit which makes Galehead well worth the climb. By now it was time to turn back.

I was so happy and energized by this hike that I didn't mind at all the steep climb up the col to the South Twin summit. In fact it was a treat to revisit both of these peaks once again. I had met some amazing hikers that day and was able to tag 36, 37 and 38 to boot. All in all it was another great day in the Whites.

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Did we meet?

I did the same loop the same day! What time did you set out? I hiked with Woodsman642004 so that we could carspot. Didn't see the glider. I had to wade all three crossings though, and I waded the higher crossing of the Gale River because I am not particularly graceful or long-legged. I really enjoyed that loop. I'd like to repeat it in winter.
Sounds like the views are something to look forward to. Does anyone recommend going up Galehead first on the Gale River Trail and then crossing over to South Twin and then to North Twin and down North Twin trail. I guess this would be good if there were two cars. Otherwise go back the same way. If anyone has done the three peaks this way, I would love to hear about it. I plan on doing these peaks soon.
Skibones: I went up North Twin and down the Gale River Trail. I thought the descent from the hut was pretty comfortable and I really don't like going down. Even the steep drop to the hut from S. Twin was pretty easy as the footing was stable and there were few huge steps. As I was climbing N. Twin, though, I was thinking it would not make a bad descent route: not terrifically steep, solid footing, and no big ledges or steps to hurl yourself off. I think the loop would be equally good in either direction.
Thanks-You don't hear of many people doing it that way. When I find someone that wants to do all three I'll report back.