Paddle 2.0 ?

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I just saw this on the hiking board and signed on to this paddle place a minute ago. If I can figure out how to get my kayak rack back on my car :confused: I'll be there. I've got a couple of hours anyway. It's been over a year since I've gotten out, maybe not since 2004. :eek:
Excellent time! Steve-O and I were joined by Deb W, Poison Ivy, Early Bird, and Doug Paul! Beautiful weather with great people for an evening paddle (especially if one were to wear cotton and submerge before launching :cool: ).

Since Doug agreed to write the trip report, I'll let him...

Bring on Paddle 3.0! :D
SherpaKroto said:
Excellent time! Steve-O and I were joined by Deb W, Poison Ivy, Early Bird, and Doug Paul! Beautiful weather with great people for an evening paddle (especially if one were to wear cotton and submerge before launching :cool: ).

Since Doug agreed to write the trip report, I'll let him...

Bring on Paddle 3.0! :D

Cotton!? :eek: you're lucky you were'nt killed!
Nice relaxing paddle, 100yds. at a time. :)
Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for getting my kayak out on a paddle away from my "home" lake for the first time. It was great to catch up with Sherpa K and meet a whole bunch of new people too. :) It was a great way to unwind after a busy work day.

I hope my work schedule will allow me to attend another in the future!

- Ivy
Yes, I had a great time too. Glad I found out these outings existed, and good to have met some more nice Views people. The pace was great. My arms never got tired, one reason I sometimes hesitate to paddle. Hope to join you again someday.
Paddle 5.0

I would like to get in a couple more paddles before this happens so I am labeling it as 5.0
Potential trip;
October 4-7.( commited )
This would be a hiking/kayaking/camping/party weekend.
Lake Winnipesaukee, Gilford, NH.
Killer views, many level camping spots.
This might be the last horrah, as the waterfront property taxes have tripled! :eek:
Any interests?
I will post something later this summer, but, the date stands.
Steve-o :)