Planning an above-treeline hike Saturday 11/28? Be careful...

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Just to keep this thread on topic:

I would like to see someone try and fill their stove with white gas (using one of those little plastic funnels) on top of Washington today.

(White gas as a beverage? We call it firewater.)
Perhaps you'd enjoy Garfield, Zeacliff or Willey-&-Friends.

Avalon trail was a broken-out highway at least to the A-Z trail, and it looks like it stays that way to at least Avalon. A-Z had only two snowshoers on it today (I was one of them) and four barebooters, but I'd already packed it pretty well so they didn't do much damage; it should set up well overnight and make for a nice hike tomorrow.
Avalon trail was a broken-out highway at least to the A-Z trail, and it looks like it stays that way to at least Avalon. A-Z had only two snowshoers on it today (I was one of them) and four barebooters, but I'd already packed it pretty well so they didn't do much damage; it should set up well overnight and make for a nice hike tomorrow.

I ran into a guy once who was going up Crawford Path as I was going down, it was after a storm that dumped 2 feet. There had been a couple skiers earlier who were skinning up looking for some turns... I told them of some much better places and they barebooted down. When the guy saw those tracks, I had never seen someone so angry over footprints...