rescue on Camels Hump

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May 25, 2004
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Hiked up Camels Hump this AM, nice and sunny. Great hike. However, on the way out there was a man that might have been having some sort of heart related problem . When I past him I had no idea there was any problem at all. He was sitting off to the side talking with another gentleman. I thought it odd him sitting there, I said hello to both of them and they both reply with a hello. Again, no indication of a medical problem, he appeared very coherent. I continue down out the Monroe trail, ran into SkiMom. Had a very fast hello then continued. I think I also past Dave M but not sure it was he. Anyway, a young trail running coming up informed me of the medical issue that I had past. Shortly I ran into a rescue team, informed them that they were about 40 mins away. Down in the parking lot a full evacuation team was assembling with sled. Hope all goes well.
That probably was Dave, he was out hiking CH with Skimom and others today.

Hope all turns out well the the man you saw! :(
Yup, was there. I didn't even notice the guy having problems as I went by, he was upright and not noticeably ill. When Skimom and group went by a few minutes before me he was much more clearly in distress. When we got down the ambulance was gone and no sign of any significant incident.

Sorry we didn't connect while hiking past each other.

It appeared that you were grooving on the day. Didn’t want to interrupt your rhythmic cadence, as I passed ya I said, “you missed the early morning sun”.

How bad did you guys get hit with rain?
DaveSunRa said:
How bad did you guys get hit with rain?
I remember you saying that. I was trying to catch up with Skimom and crew since I started late, normally I don't really push that hard.

We got hit pretty hard. Some thunder and lightning up top; the first batch scared off the crowd, the second batch (much closer) scared us off. On the way down we got poured on, very wet, but happy.
I was there on Saturday too. After about a half mile on the trail I was approached by some concerned looking folks asking if I had aspirin. Unfortunately, I didn't. I had aleve and tylenol. When I came upon the guy, he was lying down beside the trail with a friend, and seemed to be uncomfortable, but not in really bad shape. I realize that this is tough to assess, but the friend didn't seem to be freaking out--maybe he was just maintaining a steady rudder for his companion. I was pretty unsure about what to do, but reluctantly kept going after discussing it with my partner a few hundred yards up the trail. What was there to do? What assistance could we offer? At this point we knew that 911 had already been alerted, they were on their way, and the guy seemed to be stable. So we kept it moving.

I saw Dave M as I was coming off the summit--I didn't say hi because I'm elusive and shy (I often see VFTTers on the trail) and he looked to be with a big group, and I saw "Skimom" in the logbook and a few stickers on cars. Busy day on the hump.