Slide Peak, N. Isolation, Isolation

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Sep 5, 2003
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Route: Glen Boulder Trail, Davis Path, Isolation Trail, bushwhack, Rocky Branch Trail

Date: 3/29/14

Equipment: Snowshoes car to car

Conditions: Lower Glen Boulder Trail had an old track to about the Boulder. Then unbroken heavy, dense snow until just before Mt. Isolation. Well broken out to Rocky Branch trailhead.

Comments: After spotting a car at Rocky Branch Trailhead, we parked on Rt. 16 at the wide pull-off on the northbound side just south of the unplowed Glen Boulder/Glen Ellis Falls Trailhead. (AMC info person at Pinkham Notch said this was okay.)

Trail was unbroken until Direttissima junction, where an old track was then evident. Track disappeared before hitting treeline. Above the Boulder and back in the trees, snow was very deep and branches were waist and chest level. We had four strong trail breakers but were happy to get back above treeline where the going was easier and we didn‘t have to walk hunched over. Gorgeous views of Boott Spur, Mts. Monroe and Eisenhower and ridiculously mild temps and winds.

Heading back down to treeline, Davis Path wasn’t too hard to find initially, but we were challenged to stay on the trail until we hit the broken out track south of North Iso. (After Glen Boulder Trail, I do not think we saw any blazes for the rest of the day!) Fortunately the woods are not too thick so we headed in the general direction of North Isolation. GPS was somewhat helpful in staying on/near the official trail. The snow was deep and heavy, and there were a few minor spruce trap incidents. :D

Once we hit the broken out route of the Rocky Branchers, it was pretty smooth sailing to Mt. Isolation and back to the car. Thanks to the nine folks ahead of us who consolidated the trail on their way in. As others have stated, the current bushwhack is incredibly beautiful, with birch glade after birch glade after birch glade… the nicest route I have seen for the bushwhack cutoff. We must have gone through a dozen separate little glades. It was quite enjoyable.

The Rocky Branch Trail seemed to get sloppier the lower we got, and we were all happy to reach the parking lot! A great day in the mountains with a fun little group.
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