the evolution of "herd paths"

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DougPaul said:
Works for rock climbers...

Some of the routes at the Gunks can be followed by following the light-colored "paths". (Light-colored rock, dark lichens.) In fact, rock climbers have been known to use a wire brush to clean the rock to make it easier to climb.

Yes, but the Gunks aren't above treeline (endagered Alpine zone)
imarchant said:
Yes, but the Gunks aren't above treeline (endagered Alpine zone)
treeline doesn't correlate perfectly with elevation, there are open ledges in places down to sea level. Usually it's temporary due to fire but sometimes just the steepness is enough to keep soil from accumulating.

different plants have different elevation regimes they grow in. re: rare plants -- Diapensia and alpine azalea can be found down to at least 3500' but not much further. Silverling (Paronychia argyrocoma) is not an alpine plant but it is a rare plant which grows on open ledges probably in the 1000-3500ft range (I know of one site at 1400' and another site almost at 3000').

habitat doesn't have to be rare, however, or contain rare plants, for it to be easily damaged by repeated foot traffic.
imarchant said:
Yes, but the Gunks aren't above treeline (endagered Alpine zone)
Both are largely bare rock--the seriousness of the wear may be different, but the basic effect is the same.

And not all above T-line plants are endangered.

DougPaul said:
I have certainly seen (and walked on) "paths" worn in the lichens in exposed areas in the Whites.

Pete_Hickey said:
I was thinking more like the inverse. Getting them to grow in the shape of arrows.
Perhaps a little harder.

Maybe the trick would be to get there first with your wirebrush and scrape everything else away...

(For the humor challanged--the above is facious.)

step 1: put down the Magic Binding Nutrient Solution
step 2: add lichen powder
step 3: apply protective cover
step 4: wait 5 years
step 5: remove cover, voila!

ChiaBlaze [tm]


petroglyphs might be a bit easier (though equally frowned upon)