Washington, Monroe, Eisenhower, Pierce via Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail et al, 04/19/09


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Jan 29, 2007
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Mt. Washington, Mt. Monroe, Mt. Eisenhower, Mt. Pierce via Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, Crawford Path, Monroe Loop, Eisenhower Loop, Webster Cliff Trail

Date of Hike: Sunday, April 19, 2009

Trail Conditions: Spring snow, ice, frozen granular, bare ground, mud

Special Equipment Required: Crampons


Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail to Lakes of Clouds Hut - water crossings are open but fairly easily done (snow base to hut, not monorail yet). Trail was in surprisingly good shape (though there was some ice up high)...we Micropsiked from the cog base to the hut, though descending would have required crampons.

Crawford Path to Mt. Washington - the sidehill portion still lacks a footbed, so we opted for crampons, as a slip on Microspikes could have ended in disaster. Some rocks, but still mostly spring snow with some wind-driven ice on top. New summit sign!

Monroe Loop - we used crampons to get up from the north, then Microspikes from the summit to the south. Decent amount of bare rock at this point.

Crawford Path, Eisenhower Loop - mixture of dry ground, spring snow, ice, and some mud. Microspikes were perfect.

Crawford Path to Webster Cliff Trail to Mt. Pierce - mixture of dry ground, spring snow, ice, and some mud. Micropsikes were perfect.

Crawford Path to 302 - Upper ~2 miles still in pretty good shape without too much monorail. Monorail below there to Crawford Connector junction, from there to 302 patchy snow. Microspikes were perfect.

Your name: rocket21

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