Welcome Back! (Hosting Changes)


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Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Hello Members and Guests!

www.vftt.org has been migrated to a newer, cheaper, and faster hosting company, located much closer to the majority of you. As such, it should be noticeably faster. (A2 Hosting, if you are curious, in Michigan)

I have also upgraded it to the final version of the software (vBulletin) available at version 4 (4.2.5) - there are no future versions, patches, or security updates - vBulletin 4 is end-of-life. This upgrade allows us to run PHP 7.2, which is fairly new, and still supported, and still receiving security updates.

I am planning to move off vBulletin and on to Xenforo, as a managed service. This will put all the management of the OS, PHP, Software, and Database under control of the hosting company so I don't have to :)

(DNS) Changes will take a little while to propagate around the internet, but if you are reading this, then you are seeing the new site!

I will make sure email / notifications are working shortly.

Thanks for keeping it running (and familiar for as long as you can)
Thanks for the upgrade and your effort doing so. Seems to be running well.
Hello Members and Guests!

www.vftt.org has been migrated to a newer, cheaper, and faster hosting company, located much closer to the majority of you. As such, it should be noticeably faster. (A2 Hosting, if you are curious, in Michigan)

I have also upgraded it to the final version of the software (vBulletin) available at version 4 (4.2.5) - there are no future versions, patches, or security updates - vBulletin 4 is end-of-life. This upgrade allows us to run PHP 7.2, which is fairly new, and still supported, and still receiving security updates.

I am planning to move off vBulletin and on to Xenforo, as a managed service. This will put all the management of the OS, PHP, Software, and Database under control of the hosting company so I don't have to :)

(DNS) Changes will take a little while to propagate around the internet, but if you are reading this, then you are seeing the new site!

I will make sure email / notifications are working shortly.


Pretty much didn't understand a thing you said. ;)

BUT, thank you for the work you put in to keep the site running smoothly. (That much I do understand.)
Best part of an upgrade is when nobody knows it happened. Well done Tim.