What Country Would You Like To Hike In?


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Mar 29, 2005
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Greetings Hikers.

Fall is approaching and so are my trip(s) to the WMNF! :D I'm pumped for some hiking in the Whites.

A month or two ago I posted a question for those who've been outside the U.S. as to what was the best country they ever hiked in or what country offered the best trails.

My question this time for those who've never been outside the U.S. or even those who have is this: What country would you most like to hike in and what mountain range? If your answer is the U.S then more power to you, just please specify what range.

I'll start if off. As I mentioned before, I spent some time in Germany and loved it. I did go to the Bavarian Alps but never strapped on the backpack and hiked while I was there. So that is my answer: Germany, Bavarian Alps.

My cousin used to be a hardcore hiker. He did some hiking in the Scandinavian countries. He brought back pictures of all the trails he went on in Norway, Sweden and Finland. I enjoyed all the pictures but especially the ones from Finland. So Finland would be my second choice.

I look forward to all your replies. Thank You.

What country would I most like to hike in? Without a doubt, Nepal. Even since I read Galen Rowell's "In the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods," this has been my dream destination. I even had planned a three-week trip two years ago but my boss won't let me take three weeks in a row off (so we spent all the money I saved up by going to New Zealand for two weeks instead, which was also outstanding.)

Also high on my list outside the U.S. and more likely are the Tour du Mont Blanc in the Alps and Macchu Picchu.

- Ivy
New Zealand. Not sure what range or even area but, the scenes from the end of The Fellowship of the Ring were all I needed to see!

Good question. I would have to say the Swiss Alps. I hear Nepal can be dangerous for tourist lately.
WhiteMTHike said:
A month or two ago I posted a question for those who've been outside the U.S. as to what was the best country they ever hiked in or what country offered the best trails.

My question this time for those who've never been outside the U.S. or even those who have is this: What country would you most like to hike in and what mountain range? If your answer is the U.S then more power to you, just please specify what range.

I'll start if off. As I mentioned before, I spent some time in Germany and loved it. I did go to the Bavarian Alps but never strapped on the backpack and hiked while I was there. So that is my answer: Germany, Bavarian Alps.

My cousin used to be a hardcore hiker. He did some hiking in the Scandinavian countries. He brought back pictures of all the trails he went on in Norway, Sweden and Finland. I enjoyed all the pictures but especially the ones from Finland. So Finland would be my second choice.

I look forward to all your replies. Thank You.


I may or may not have replied to your earlier thread (don't recall). Anyway, we have hiked in only two countries outside of the US: Canada and France/Switzerland (Haute Route - some pictures will be posted within the next few weeks). Never been to Scandinavia, but have plans for Norway as our next non-US visit. New Zealand is also on the list, when we have the time and can afford it!

In no particular order:

Swiss-French-Italian Alps: for the food, of course!
New Zealand: my LOTR-addict son would surely join me.
Tibet/Nepal: for the mountainous spectacularity!

So let's see, that's six countries I've tried to squeeze into one, I guess.
Peru - Andes
New Zealand
Tazania - Kilamanjaro
Washington - Cascades

The first two are happening in the next 3 years...I'm going to have to wait awhile to do Kilamanjaro.


Milford Sound, New Zealand
I would love to hike across Scotland. Rolling grassy hills and oh ya lots of tasty Scotch :p :p
I need to do alot more in Canada and the USA.
New Zealand
Alps in Switzerland or Austria
New Zealand

I am actually looking into an 18 day trip to the patagonia in chile for nesxt February. Its pricey but...

Having driven a few hundred miles of it, my dream trip is to mountain BIKE/HIKE the Carreterra Austral (southern "highway" - mostly gravel) thru Patagonia Chile, taking only a tarp, weekend pack, fly-rod and inflatable kayak. My brother and I are actually going to do this in February of 2007 or 2008. We will fly into Puerto Mont via Santiago where we will pick up mounts from a local friend, then head south, probably finishing up at La Pasarella Dos en Lago Carrera. Total length is 1100 kilometers. We will just go as far as we can in thirty days. We'll have a few cerveza rendezvous along the way w/ our Chilean amigos just to make sure all is proceeding well or to bail if we want.

Highlights/linger spots will include: the Glacier Valley of Pumalin, the Hot Springs of Puyuhuapi, the "alpine jungles" of Queulat Parc, the pristine Rio Cisnes, the bars of Coyhaique, exquisite Lago Paloma, climbing majestic Cerro Castillo and exploring the marble caves of Lago Carrera and of course examing pre-historic cave art along the way...

It will be an adventure not for the timid as active volcanoes, high winds, snow, hanging glacier avalanches, rock-slides, sheep-jams, ornery hausos and loco drivers are all in the order of a typical summer day in Patagonia! :eek:

Anyway, that's what we're currently scheming... ;)


daxs said:
I am actually looking into an 18 day trip to the patagonia in chile for nesxt February. Its pricey but...

can I come? :D
Originally Posted by daxs
I am actually looking into an 18 day trip to the patagonia in chile for next February. Its pricey but...

Huh? What? it cost NOTHING to exist once down there. RT fr Miami to Balma is less then $1000 too.

But be forewarned, you had better speak the language (for a varierty of reasons) or you will be lost once you leave civilization.

lemme know when and where you're going Dax, I can often be found down there in Feb and just this week received an invite to stay at a friend's estancia in Coyhaique Alto this coming february...