What made these tracks?


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In the spirit of this thread... anybody knows of a good book to help identify tracks? (possibly summer and winter)
I have several books/papers on animal and man tracking and for animal tracking I would recommend "Tracking and the art of seeing" by Paul Rezendes. Far and away the best. He has since stopped doing the school stuff but has turned it over to two of his students. I took a couple of mantracking classes from his school when he was running it and was pleased with it. My son who was 8 at the time took a survival class and he had a great time. Making debris huts and starting fires. For animal tracking I rate his book as one of the best. Even better then Tom Brown books in my humble opinion. Pauls old tracking school
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funny stuff

King Arthur: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are strangers to our land?

soldier: Are you suggesting that coconuts are migratory?
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tracking book

Thanks for the Info SAR... I just looked it up and it seems perfect, with the tracks and the feces, etc... i just ordered it...

You gotta love this site... :)
No problem. A couple of the things I really like about his book is that it is a lot of animals from the area, and his photography is excellant, and the descriptions as well as the pictures are pretty clear cut. Scat and tracks.

I do think it is an excellant piece of work, worthy of praise. :D

Oh yeah, I have no financial interest in this book, yada, yada, yada. You know the rest.

SAR-EMT40 said:
I do think it is an excellant piece of work, worthy of praise. :D

Oh yeah, I have no financial interest in this book, yada, yada, yada. You know the rest.

The publisher has a financial interest in me as I have given out a few copies as gifts in the past year or so.
Louis said:
In the spirit of this thread... anybody knows of a good book to help identify tracks? (possibly summer and winter)

There's a Peterson Guide that has good descriptions of tracks as well as scat. It also helps differentiate tracks depending on the surface.
"I'm not dead yet!" (another Python quote)

To my mind, the best book on tracks and sign ever written is Paul Rezendes, Tracking and the Art of Seeing (2nd ed). He's also a superb photographer (and, incidentally, a reformed Hell's Angel, apropos of nothing in particular). I haven't seen the Elbroch opus noted on one of the previous links, but I must say that I've found Rezendes' methodology exceptional. His sometimes esoteric observations (for example, the fact that chipmunks will bite the heads off mice) have been borne out by my observation.

And yes, snowshoe hare in deep snow, feet full spread make a big mark. Yesterday I tracked a fox up a slide--it was slipping as much as I was!

dude that is so a freakin' grizzly!! i kid you not. i used to live out west and i know a grizz track when i freakin' see one. dude, you are way lucky to even be able to aks that question. peace!

i agree with ospreyboya (and terry too!!) :D