Where to go in early May?


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Dec 3, 2003
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Stow, Ohio
I have vacation time the second week of May, the 6 through the 14. I was thinking of heading to the Whites (I live near Cleveland, Ohio) and bagging as many of the NH48 peaks as possible and/or do a good bit of nature photography. However, I've been seen references to how we shouldn't be tearing up the trails during mud season. In addition, I've never been to the mountains in early spring and don't know what sort of weather and bugs to expect. So... should I go ahead with my plans or should I consider a different location?
I'd say go for it. By mid-May the snow should be close to gone in most locations below 4000 feet, with only patchy areas on north facing slopes still holding on. It's been a tough snow year and many areas down low are clear of snow and in the process of drying out already.

And besides, your in Ohio, so any chance to get to the Whites I'd do it anyway, mud or no mud.
I'd look at the Smokies personally but maybe I'm too close to the Whites to think of them as a week long destination in non-peak conditions.

6-14th? If April is cold, could still be substantial snow above 3500 feet, especially if April showers fall as snow. If it stays warm, snow likely gone, & bugs starting early. Usually before the 14th it's still too cold for bugs above 3000 feet.
I like the south facing trails around Passaconaway and Whiteface in spring. They usually shed the snow quickest and dry out nicely. Dicey Mill or Blueberry Ledge are the trails. I usually go up Blueberry and down DM as there can be icy or wet sections on the upper ledges going to Whiteface.
jim, i have to thank you for your advice on passaconaway and whiteface. i'm itching to get out this spring (after most mud is gone), and having already bagged passaconaway, tecumseh, and the hancocks i'm eager to get whiteface, one i should have done this past fall...on two separate occasions. living in MA it would make for a nice trip without the extra travel time going to the northern mtns. i'll have to keep an eye on trip reports around the waterville valley area to judge the trails. just ten left for all 48...and i'll be looking for takers on carrigain...more on that to come... :D
I normally stick to the more southerly south-facing trails in May also, but residual ice and snow may very well be less of a consideration this year. That's also where I expect to find the earliest wildflowers. Blueberry ledge up Whiteface is good for those.

If you have some Stabilicers or instep crampons to throw in your pack, they might come in handy.

The southern Presies (Jackson, Pierce, Ike and Monroe) should be very doable, and the Willey Range peaks as well. It's not a 4K, but Chocorua is always a good climb. I'd recommend the Brook/Liberty loop. Oseolas are good, but I wouldn't bet that Tripoli Road will be open that early, and the northern approach has one steep bit of ledge that might still be icy and dangerous.
Its really early to tell...April 1st. But if the current trend continues of above average temps up high and down low, I'd say the snow will be all gone by mid May in most places, except the ravines of the presis. But its only April 1st, and we really didn't have a very good March, so I just have a feeling that a heavy early spring season snow is on tap for the mtns. We can't go this long (nearly a month) without a widespread heavy dumping. Its almost like a false sense of security.

But if all goes well and the snow melts early, try to bag some 4ks that are relatively dry. Stay on the rocks on the trail to minimize erosion. Better yet, visit a backcountry pond or river and just hang out for a bit. Maybe you'll see a moose and get a chance to photograph some trilliums.
